"Informetric Analysis of Articles published in Nigerian Libraries: Jour" by Blessing Amusan and Samuel Olu Adeyoyin

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



This informetric study was aimed at finding out the distribution of articles and authors that published in the Nigerian Libraries: Journal of the Nigerian Library Association from 2009 to 2018. Also, the year-wise growth of of research articles; auhorship pattern; and collaboration ratio; subject distribution of articles and institutional affiliation of authors were examined. The journal was selected based on it's consistency and popularity. Data collected through a self-designed checklist was analysed using frequency count and percentage. The findings revealed that 134 articles, contributed by 252 authors were published in Nigerian Libraries from 2009-2018. An annual average growth of 31.56% was observed. Overall year-wise authorship pattern revealed thst majority of 60.45% articles published in the Journal were multiple autored. Also, articles on ICT dominated Nigerian Libraries. Some subject areas not covered were identified, such as: indexing and serial collections management. Average collaborative index across the 10-year period was 0.60, while majority of the contributors were from the universities, with only a fraction from the polytechnics. The study, therefore, recommended that awareness should be created by the publishers to familiarize the researchers with publishing requirements of the journal. Also, LIS researchers (especially in polytechnics and colleges of education) should engage more in research activities and publish such in reputable journals; and concentrate more on areas usually left untouched by previous studies.
