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The Editors- in -Chief,

Library Philosophy and Practice

Subject: Manuscript Submission

Respected Sir

We wish to submit an original research article “Authorship and Collaboration Pattern in Indian Journal of Anaesthesia during 2010-2019: An Evaluation" for consideration by Library Philosophy and Practice.

I confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

This paper deals with authorship analysis and collaboration pattern, Collaboration Index, collaboration coefficient and Modified Collaboration Coefficient in publications of Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, A renowned journal of India in Medical field. It mainly covers articles in anaesthesia, doses of aesthesia, complication management and so many medical topic relating to anaesthesia.

The methodology and Finding of study will help the LIS professionals to conduct such study with other famous journal.

So, It is my humble request to you to kindly accept this manuscript for publication in LPP.

We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.


Anjuma Saikia.

Librarian, Mariani College, Jorhat, Assam


Dr Utpal Saikia

Jorhat Medical College, Jorhat, Assam



This evaluative study analyses the authorship and collaborative research activity in Indian Journal of Anaesthesia for the period of 2010-2019.The collected data are examined with the help of Collaboration Coefficient, Authorship Pattern and Activity Index. Total 2274 articles published during the study period, out of which four authored articles are highest, which is 661.During the 10 years’ period, the multi- authorship articles are gradually increased than solo research. The study reveals that the researcher in Anaesthesia are more fond of team research than individual research. In the study it has been found that the average collaboration index is 3.37, average collaboration coefficient is 0.61, average degree of collaboration is 0.88, average relative growth rate is 0.61 and average doubling time is 3.96 during the study period 2010-2019. The highest activity index is found for Indian articles is 198.00 for the year 2010. The highest world activity index is observed for the year 2019and it is 199.23 and lowest is found for two consecutive years 2010 and 2011 which is 89.12.
