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Covering Letter

Submission Date: 30st Oct, 2020


The Editors- in -Chief,

Library Philosophy and Practice

Subject: Manuscript Submission

Respected Madam,

We wish to submit an original research article “Citation analysis of doctoral theses submitted to the department of chemistry, Dibrugarh university, Assam, India” for consideration by Library Philosophy and Practice.

I confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

This paper investigate authorship pattern of the citations, type and form of literature cited, and compiled a rank list of core journals in chemistry.

The methodology and Finding of study will help the LIS professionals scrutinize the most preferred Journal for their library. Citation Analysis gives an inner in-depth knowledge about popular journals and among thousands of journal which should be subscribed for their library and Information science.

So, It is my humble request to you to kindly accept this manuscript for publication in LPP.

We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.


Anjuma Saikia.

Librarian, Mariani College, Jorhat, Assam


Dr Utpal Saikia

Jorhat Medical College, Jorhat, Assam



The present study is based on 13057 citations, appended in the 34 Doctoral theses of Chemistry submitted to Dibrugarh university, Assam to confer Ph.d degree during the period of 2015-2019.The primary objectives of this study was to investigate authorship pattern of the citations, type and form of literature cited, and compiled a rank list of core journals in chemistry. The study revealed the fact that journals were the most favourite source of information among Research Scholars in Chemistry Department. The data reveals the fact that journals achieved highest no of citation which is10446 followed by books with 11.76 % citations. The Journal Chemical Review occupy 987 citations accounting for 9.45 % of the total journal citations. Journal of American Chemical Society with 7.46% citation occupies the second in the ranking list, it is followed by Macromolecules 6.29% with 657 citations .In terms of Authorship pattern for journal, triple author articles are more cited than single authored article which is counted 44.93% citations it means that the collaborative research is more prominent in chemistry. The findings of the study revealed that out of the total number of 10446 journal citation, 44.93%% are by more than three authors, followed by two authors with 22,83% and multiple authored articles got 19.30% citation.
