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Purpose: This paper examines the global research performance on COVID 19 in Dimensions Database. Dimensions contains more than 100 million publications, ranging from articles published in scholarly journals, books and book chapters, to preprints and conference proceedings.

Methodology: The data were extracted from Dimensions Website ( The word “Covid 19” has been used to retrieve the data as on 2nd December 2020. A total of 200852 records and 810426 citations received for the year 1871-2020. The study also analyzed top twenty researchers, source wise publications, funding wise publications, types of publications and top twenty highly cited research publications.

Results: The study analyzed 200852 research publications are indexed in Dimensions Database. It is found that “Elisabeth Mahase” has contributed 141 research articles and received 1,021 citations. Further it also analyzed “National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)” funder has supported and published 2,792 articles and received 50,865 citations. It is further found that Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China” has received 8,238 citations.

Originality: This research paper is original and it is based on the Global Databases report and has not been published elsewhere. This would be benefit the Covid 19 researchers, Covid 19 Scientists, and Science Faculty members to identify the Covid 19 research in single place.
