Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study throws light to the innovative and transformational methods adopted by public libraries to respond towards the community needs and up holds its social responsibilities with its users during the COVID 19 pandemic period. Valapatanam GP Library is the best example of public libraries which defeat Covid 19 with the application of powerful and renovated technology tools for community support and satisfaction through un interpreted connection with the users. It adopted various new tactics to overcome the pandemic difficulties and keep the users stay with the world of knowledge and recreation. The role of VPGP library limited not only to an information provider and academic supporter but also the library activities magnified the intellectual advancement, creativity, social commitment, personal growth, technical and digital knowledge intensification etc of its clientele especially the youth. The over heading part of technology implementation in user services is heigh lighted in the article. The redesigned and redefined activities strengthened the user participation in social service leads path ways to defeat the lockdown related stress and loneliness which modified the traditional concepts, methods and theories of library service. Survey method is adopted for conducting the study. Target population consists of library users from different categories of society. Data analysis reflects the wondering results and effects of public library activities to general public during the pandemic situation.
