Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Published in Library Philosophy and Practice (2011) 12 p.


Libraries library play an important role for students in their academic programme, Distance Learning students in University of Ibadan were studied to investigate their library habits and factors affecting use of libraries. Purposive sampling technique was adopted for this study to select 100 library registered distance learners from Faculties of Education and Social Sciences. Questionnaire, interview and observation were the instruments employed for the study. Findings revealed that 67.9% of the respondents from Education and 62.5% from Social Sciences had access to available library resources, while 36(46.2%) from Education and 8(50%) Social Sciences used the library twice in a week when they were in session. The major library habits were searching for materials through the shelf, catalogue and using the libraries alone. Respondents from Education and Social Sciences (80.7% and 93.7%) respectively searched through the shelf, The major factors affecting their use of the library were inadequate reading materials 77% from Education; 62.5% from social Sciences) and their inability to borrow library materials. The maximum use of the library can only be obtained when these students are allowed to borrow library materials and given library use instructions as their full time counterpart.
