Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-10-2021

Document Type



This paper attempts to highlight the growth trends on Cyanobacteria literature and make the quantitative and qualitative assessment by analyzing various features of research output and Citations impact based on the Scopus database. A total of 5686 publications were published on Cynobacteria during 2000-2020. Year 2001 has 74.72 mean time cited per article with 137 publications. USA has the highest share 2792 of publications and received 38809 Citations followed by the Peoples Republic of China with 9201 Citations for 1486 publications, Germany with 12482 Citations for 871 publications. The study found that India has recorded 5442 Citations for 632 Publications. It’s noteworthy that Germany has highest citations with less number of publications compared to USA and China. The highly productive Institutions were: University of Port, Portugal with 234 publications followed by Institute of Hydrobiology with 148 publications and University of California San Diego with 128 publications. The highly productive journals are JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY with 134 Publications, followed by PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY with 103 followed by HARMFUL ALGAE with 99 publications. There were 347 single Author publications by the scientists and 5339 multi-Author collaborative publications. The Collaboration Index is 2.75. The average citation per document is 25.72 and average citations per year per document is 2.7.
