Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-3-2021

Document Type



Kavitha. N, & Chandrashekara.M. (2021). Usage of School libraries by Secondary school teachers in Mysore block: A study. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Teachers play a dynamic role in upbringing students in academics as well as for living successfully in today’s complex and challenging information society. But certified librarians’ play a more diverse role in student's life, among which is to support their well-being and help teachers leverage the power of technology in the classroom strategically and with purpose. The present paper attempted to study how teachers utilize the school library and other sources of information that inspire and motivate students to knowledge-based information technology-driven society. This study identified that a professional librarian is effective and library orientation programs support teachers in adopting a broad range of teaching strategies. The questionnaire method was employed to achieve the objectives of the study and 300 questionnaires were distributed among secondary school teachers in Mysore Block on a simple random basis for collecting relevant data. 276 teachers responded to the questionnaire. Inquiry into the teacher’s perception and experiences for a library orientation or an entry-level library instruction class discovered that learning library skills toolkit would allow them to become more comfortable with library spaces and helps them reach the goal of solving a digital treasure box. It has been found that teachers who showed enthusiasm towards collaboration with a certified librarian can create a student’s intrinsic motivation to learn and vitality in the classroom.
