Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The paper overtly attempts to investigate the information seeking behavior of UG students of English discipline from library for their different academic purposes. The scope of the study is limited to UG students of Department of English of two colleges of University of Delhi, i.e., Vivekananda College and Miranda House College. The study is based on Survey method of research and used questionnaire and interview methods for collection of data. The study revealed that both libraries are well equipped with quality sources, services and modern technology which reflects their strong potential to provide good environment for quenching the quest of students. But usage is not up to the mark because of various reasons which include unawareness about different sources related to their field (35%),lack of ICT skills among students(96% students are unaware of metasearch engines), lack of interaction between students and library staff (only 26% students approach library staff for help), visiting library occasionally (36%) etc. Major problems faced by English discipline UG students are:- insufficient time to visit library because of lectures(43%), information overload on Internet (35%) etc. LIS professionals have to come forward with different strategies to attract UG students to the library. Information literacy programmes, ICT skills training programmes must be organized in order to spread awareness and usage of library among undergraduate students.
