Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-2-2021

Document Type



This paper helps a bibliometric analysis of the authorship pattern and collaborative research in the field of Laparoscopic Surgery literature in the MEDLINE database which covered in PubMed throughout the years i.e. 2010 to 2019. The maximum number of 9118 publications was published in the year 2019. A total of 94.97% of publications are covered by multi-authors’ papers. The ratio of single and multi-authors’ contributions is 1:20 in the field of Laparoscopic Surgery. The year-wise Degree of Collaboration shows the ratio in-between 0.92 to 0.97 in the field of Laparoscopic Surgery. The study exposed that the multi-authors’ papers are dominated in the field of Laparoscopic Surgery. The value of CAI for single-author papers was higher in the first block and declined in the second block in Laparoscopic Surgery literature. In the contrast, the CAI for more than two authors’ papers was lower in the first block and enhanced in the second block period in Laparoscopic Surgery literature. This result shows that the teamwork in Laparoscopic Surgery research is in an increasing trend in recent years. The average CC has been arrived at 0.62 which also indicates large share of publications was by multiple authors.
