Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Dear Editor,

I am submitting a manuscript for consideration of publication in Library Philosophy and Practice under the title “Toward A Ubiquitous Learning Media: Encouraging Understanding by Virtual reality-based learning”. It has not been published elsewhere and nor submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

Best Regards,

Idris Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Malang Semarang street. No.5 Malang–Indonesia


The use of mainstream media is no longer attractive to students. They enjoy more and are more enthusiastic about virtual learning which provides the greatest possible opportunity for direct contact or as if to experience directly the object of the material being studied. This study aimed to develop an Android-based application with virtual reality (VR) in the material kingdom and Hindu-Buddhist heritage (SijarVi-information system of virtual reality-based learning). This product was intended to provide anti-mainstream learning media, which provides opportunities for students to be directly involved and see directly the object being studied. This development used research and development method with ADDIE model which consists of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data were collected through a questionnaire (via google form) and expert’s validation. There were 32 students involved in this study. This study indicated that SijarVi products deserve to be used as learning media. In addition, SijarVi was also effectively implemented in learning by increasing student understanding and grades. This product could contribute to an alternative learning media that could be beneficial for students, lecturers, and teachers.
