Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The paper examined the role of Nigerian libraries in dwindling fake news on social media: the think and publish mindset. The paper pictured social media as the root source and lifeblood of fake news in the nation as users are allowed to publish and share news at little cost, highlighting that most social media users do not think of the effects of their content on the society before publishing and sharing. The paper presents bathing and drinking of saltwater as a preventive measure and cure for Ebola virus, claims of under-age voting in the northern part of the country during the 2015 presidential election, President Muhammadu Buhari’s death in 2017, fake claims that drinking of alcohol cured Corona virus as instances of fake news on social media. The paper reviewed the effects of fake news as; destruction of lives and properties, political aggression, intensification of conflict and societal fright. The paper takes a position that, the “I want to share syndrome”, poor reading culture amongst citizens, lack of information literacy skills, trust in network drive as reasons for the spread of fake news on social media. The paper therefore recommends that Nigerian libraries should increase the awareness of the effect of fake news in the society among social media users. The libraries should through sensitization programmes like; seminars, workshops, conferences and online videos educate social media users on how to spot fake news. Social media users should always think of the effect of their content on the society before publishing, and also read thoroughly, evaluate content and consult reliable sources before publishing or sharing any news.
