Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-22-2021

Document Type



Respected Editor-In Chief,

Please consider my paper in respect to my career advancement.


The paper presents a bibliometric study of the journal titled “Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA) for the period between 2015-2020. The present study reveals the results of a bibliometric study of 148 articles published in the Journal of ILA. The analysis cover mainly the number of articles, authorship pattern, subject-wise distribution of articles, average number of references per articles, forms of documents cited, year wise distribution of cited journals etc. Study reveals that most of the contributions are from India with 99.61% and the rest 0.39% only from foreign sources. Maximum authors are from Karnataka and highest numbers of articles (37.83%) have the page length of 9-12 pages. Furthermore, topics like ‘users study’, ‘library automation and ICT application’ and Digital Library are the preferred subjects for publishing papers in the journal.
