Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 12-30-2021

Document Type



Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to examine the growth patterns of Library and Information Science literature on the basis of bibliometric study and to analyze the articles of IASLIC Bulletin published from the year 2016 to2020.

Methodology: For the present study IASLIC Bulletin has been selected as the source journal. IASLIC Bulletin is one of the leading publications in the field of Library and Information Science in India. All the lead articles and research paper of five volumes (Vol 61-Vol 65) containing 20 issues published during 2016-2020 have been taken up for the study. Statistical tools, like tabular presentation of various data, line diagram, bar diagram and pie diagram are used to represent the study effectively.

Findings: From this study the major findings are:

(a) The number of papers in various volumes in IASLIC Bulletin from 2016-2020, is more or less consistent as it varies from 19 (in volume 63) to 25 (in volume 64).

(b) The average number of contribution per volume in the studies is 5 volumes i.e. 21.60%.

(c) Two author papers are the most (27.78%) followed by more than three author papers (25.00%), single author paper (23.14%) and three author papers (22.23%).

(d) Maximum number of references is found in the volume 61 i.e. 256 (25.60%) and the lowest number of reference in the volume 62 i.e. 142 (14.20%).

(e) 'West Bengal' contributed maximum number of paper which comes to 20 (18.51%) and the lowest number is 1 (0.92%) of Assam and Rajasthan.

(f) Maximum number of papers found in the area ‘Information Technology' i.e. 14 articles (12.96%), followed by 'Library Automation' constituted 12 articles (11.11%).

Value: It is expected that Bibliometric methods are used in studies of properties and behavior of recorded knowledge for analysis of the structures of scientific and research areas. In this context, this study may provide new information emerging out from the bibliometric study particularly of IASLIC Bulletin.
