Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Libraries are significant and invaluable repositories of society and its culture across time. They have been collecting, preserving, and disseminating informational documents and resources for the future. Libraries have always been and constantly are under threat of destruction of their great treasures. Therefore, they must take adequate measures to save their collections both in print and electronic format and infrastructure, from all forms of disasters both man-made and natural. Today is the era of online resources such as databases, information systems, websites, mobile-optimized applications, etc and these resources can be used effectively by librarians for managing disasters in libraries. For heralding in better library services for the future, a concerted effort against disasters must be initiated. This paper brings to light the underlying details of the meaning and types of disaster-related concepts, possible disaster management plans and gives insights on websites, database information systems as well as innovative mobile technologies that could foster disaster management in libraries. The findings of this paper tend to have far-reaching implications on the future of libraries in the potential frame of reference. The online resources discussed in the paper can guide librarians to think outside the box in managing disasters in their libraries.
