Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-11-2021

Document Type



The study is the first of its kind in ascertaining the role that National Library plays in promoting reading habits among its users. Reading is significant for mental stimulation, developing intellectual skills, memory improvement, stress reduction. In the modern era, an era driven by technology, the upcoming generations are outrunning the reading habit. Libraries strive on reading. Libraries become more answerable to knowledge society for their role in inculcating reading habits in this scenario. National Library is also expected to deliver in this direction. The role of various sections of libraries has been discussed based on usage statistics. The paper concludes with expectations on policy reforms to further add value to National Library services. The amendment to policies will lead to better display, capturing users’ attention, improvement in services, upkeep, and preservation of library resources. Along with this promotion of Indian languages, user-friendly practices and cooperation of networked agencies will get an uplift.
