Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Effective use of digital technology for remote users to access library resources online during Covid - 19 pandemic.


Pandemic COVID-19 has severely affected all walks of life for last two years and still continuing. During the pandemic academic libraries played an important role in providing resources and services to students and teachers using digital technologies in innovative ways. This paper highlights how the digital best practices followed by the RIE Bhopal library came into force in providing various services to its users during the crisis time. The paper also describes the best practices followed in the Institute library for providing various services to users at home with the hardware, software, Internet and social network platforms available in the Institute library system. Among the best digital practices of the library, use of Open Source software in different operations, remote access to e-resources, Digital Document Delivery Service, e-mail alert service, Institutional Repository, etc. are a few. Decade long use of technologies experienced to say that the innovative ways of using digital technologies increases the quality of services, sets benchmark and ultimately brings elevation in the image of the library among the user community. In time to come, these digital best practices will definitely help the Institute library and motivate other libraries to meet the information requirements of users in best possible way.
