"Measuring the Reliability Analysis of University Students' Utilization" by Husain Hashim, Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The purpose of this article is to examine a small sample of data looking at the extent to which the utilization of web-based library and information services has any relationship with library technology, the roles of academic libraries, and the library learning environment. In addition, a moderating variable is introduced, namely, information literacy skills, to investigate its influence on the correlation between library technology and library learning environment factors, and the utilization of web-based library and information services. The sample is designed to involve students at public Malaysian universities. Based on a review of the literature, a 47-item questionnaire was constructed. In order to ensure the validity, reliability, and normality of the data, the instrument was reviewed by a panel of subject-matter experts. A pilot study was also conducted and participated by 49 respondents. Statistical software was used to execute the data analysis. The analysis's output demonstrates that the instrument is reliable and that there are no abnormalities in the data.
