Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D environments are increasingly widespread technologies. Although VR is usually associated with an engaging gaming experience, its current use goes far beyond entertainment and the market of electronic games. Different VR spaces are used in industrial settings, manufacturing, and even education. There is a new interdisciplinary field which was created related to 3D VR content: cognitive infocommunications (CogInfoCom). Research shows that with the help of 3D VR environments work processes can be completed (up to 30–50%) faster, and the effectiveness of learning and recalling information can be significantly increased as well. The free 3D spaces of the 3D VR browser MaxWhere, developed by the researchers of Széchenyi István University (Győr, Hungary), are available to everyone. With this paper, the authors intend to draw attention to the MaxWhere 3D VR space of the University Library and Archives of Széchenyi István University, which is the first library space in MaxWhere. At the Library and Information Science (LIS) Master’s Program of Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary), the biggest librarian training institution of Hungary, students could test the 3D VR browser in practice as part of the course Information Visualization. In the spring semester of the academic year 2020-21, and in the fall semester of 2021-22, the students’ opinion on MaxWhere were assessed by an anonymous survey, the results of which are included in the paper.
