Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type




This study aimed to look into the interest in and use of WhatsApp technology among National College of Business Administration & Economics (NCBAE) University Pakistan library users.


A Google Forms questionnaire was designed and emailed to students from various departments at the National College of Business Administration and Economics University of Pakistan. SPSS 22 was used to tabulate and analyze the data for this paper.


According to one study, WhatsApp is a robust and cutting-edge technology that might be integrated with digital library services to reach out to library consumers. This technology will assist library patrons in receiving high-quality services. Some technological and human resource variables may impact service delivery and hence must be addressed. As a result, library management is advised to take the required steps to integrate WhatsApp with digital library services to ensure efficient and effective service delivery.

Practical implications

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used social networking applications, with many organizations, including libraries, using it. This technology is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to patrons on campus and in remote locations. As a result, the quality of library services will improve, and users will be more satisfied.


This research examines WhatsApp technology in the context of Pakistan's National College of Business Administration and Economics University. This is the researcher's first attempt to address a vital topic. This research will benefit the National College of Business Administration and Economics University's library patrons and the whole academic community in Lahore.

Paper type: Research.
