Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 8-10-2022

Document Type



This paper presents the findings of a study on the impact of COVID-19 misinformation and the role of information professionals in fighting this scourge. A quantitative research approach was deployed to collect data from Google scholar database and analysed via Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The study established that with regard to misinformation on the origins of COVID-19, 21 (44%) sources claimed that the disease originated from Wuhan city market. Results further revealed that concerning the impact of misinformation on the individual, social withdrawal, vulnerability and death (15, 48.4%) were the main impacts. As regards the role of information professionals, findings show that 18(58.1%) of the sources reported information packaging and repackaging as the main strategy for information dissemination. Findings suggest several ways for information professionals to minimise the spread and impact of COVID-19 misinformation. The study recommends a paradigm shift in information service delivery among information professionals while viewing the COVID-19 outbreak as an opportunity to reassert their roles in the changing information landscape.
