Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Village libraries do have a major contribution in improving the quality of village communities, both through the collections provided and through the empowerment programs held. However, many village libraries that are in suspended animation are not managed properly by the village government. This resulted in the village community being unable to utilize the services of the village library. The purpose of this study is to identify the village library revitalization process so that the village library can carry out library operational activities. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The revitalization process was carried out at the Moyoketen Village Science Resource Library which is located at Moyoketen Village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency. The revitalization was carried out for three months, with planning, implementation and reporting stages. The revitalization will be carried out in August-October 2022. The process of revitalizing the village library is carried out by rearranging the library space, carrying out weeding and stock opname, making library SOPs and library promotion. The existence of this revitalization made little by little changes for the Moyoketen Village Library to revive and return to serve the needs of users in fulfilling information and as a means of user recreation. Target users and promotions have been adjusted to the original conditions in Moyoketen Village. This major change and several new services owned by the Moyoketen Village Library have succeeded in bringing users back to utilizing library services.
