Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 1-2-2023

Document Type



This study is an attempt to determine how school libraries can be used to provide a guided learning approach to social studies. The case study was carried out using a group study approach, supervised by three social studies teachers and a school librarian. The population of this study comprises of one hundred and sixteen (116) Junior Secondary Three (3) students from a state owned school in Delta state, southern Nigeria. A sample of fifteen (15) students, made up of three (3) groups of five (5) students each were drawn through a purposive sampling technique. Three teachers of social studies and the school librarian participated as research assistants. A well prepared and validated questionnaire was the instrument for data collection, the instrument was used as a rating scale by the teachers to rate the students after the Guided Inquiry learning in the school library. The librarian also provided data through an interview on the role of the library on guided inquiry learning. The findings pointed to the fact that school libraries are strong determinants of Guided Inquiry in promoting the level of social studies learning in schools. Thus it was recommended that Guided Inquiry should be developed and incorporated into the learning of Social studies especially at the Junior Secondary School level.
