Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 3-15-2013

Document Type



This descriptive study examined work values, achievement motivation and technostress as determinants of job burnout among the library personnel in federal universities in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and 646 library personnel from 18 automated federal university libraries participated in the study. The sampling technique used was single stage random sampling technique. Five instruments were used for this study namely: work values, achievement motivation, job burnout and technostress scales synchronized into a questionnaire titled (WVAMJOBTS) and structured interview checklist. Each of the research instruments was validated with a reliability coefficient of 0.90, 0.82, 0.82, 0.95 and 0.62 for work values, achievement motivation, job burnout, technostress and structured interview checklist respectively using Cronbach-alpha method. Data collected were analysed using percentages, mean, standard deviation, product moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. Research questions were answered and research hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The results of these analyses revealed that the respondents had moderate level of work values and achievement motivation and high level of technostress and job burnout, work values and achievement motivation of the respondents were inversely related to job burnout, whereas technostress was positively related to job burnout. Technostress was found to have the highest relative contribution among the independent variables to the problem of job burnout. Based on the findings, recommendation were made to solve the problem of job burnout among the library personnel in federal universities in Nigeria.

