Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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International Association of Technological University Libraries, IATUL Seminar 2019. Gdańsk University of Technology Library, Gdańsk, Poland. December 10, 2019


Copyright 2019 Paul Royster. Licensed CC-BY.


International Association of Technological University Libraries, IATUL Seminar 2019 Gdańsk University of Technology Library, Gdańsk, Poland, /December 10, 2019 • Repositories by country (10 most) • IR platforms in the USA (pie chart) • Why institutions choose one over another • Bottom line: IRs are a great success • Top 5 IRs by content • Top IRs by traffic • What (where) is Nebraska? • Our repository • The university's most visited site • Our audience is 62% international • Downloads by continent • Downloads by country (top 12) • Downloads by item type • Average downloads by item type • FOLO: Free Online Learning Objects • Referrals from … • Geolocation example (northern Poland) • Institutional networks and type (top 10) • The best recruiting tool is … • About Digital Commons/bepress • The greatest barrier is self-deposit • The IR is a publisher • IRs that publish original content • Our monograph imprint: Zea Books • Free Access is not the same as Open Access • Shout-out to SHERPA/RoMEO • No organized US strategy for IRs • No US national meeting for repositories • RAMP: Repository Analytics & Metrics Portal • 2 we love: PubMed & • Commercial competition from ResearchGate & • US government works are not copyrightable • IR voices from the USA • The internet's assault on democratic institutions • IRs publish reliable free information • IRs are voices for freedom • Bibliography • Contact information • (Note: Polish text is courtesy Google Translate.)

Gdansk 2019.pptx (7833 kB)
