Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Presented to the Coalition for Networked Information meeting, December 14, 2010. Copyright 2010 Joan Giesecke and Harriette Hammasi.


Today’s Library Is Supporting the changing patterns of teaching, learning & research by combining traditional & new knowledge resources & services with emerging information technology in inviting physical & online spaces
The Library is Vital in All Phases of Academic Life & Scholarly Communications
Library Leadership Within Centers of Digital Scholarship is One Critical Path to Keeping Libraries Vital
Digital Humanities Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Center for Digital Scholarship, Brown University

The Download button (right) links to a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation. The complete set of PowerPoint slides is archived (below) as a "Related file".

Giesecke CNI, Hemmasi on CDS (12-14-2010).pptx (8384 kB)
PowerPoint slides (40)
