Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Open Access Publishing— An Opinionated, Non-Canonical Tour: The Video


Paul Royster

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Presented at Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries, Scholarly Communications Symposium, February 11, 2013.


Video is copyright 2013 Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries.


How does one define open-access publishing? What are the implications of the debate between libre vs. gratis open access? What are the new economic models for "Green" and for "Gold" open access? What are the licensing issues, and why does it matter? How are commercial and university presses adjusting or adapting? Who else is doing it? What is the role for libraries as publishers, and how does this change their relations to the university faculty and to the world of scholarly communications? What are libraries publishing in the way of journals and monographs and forms of scholarship yet to be invented or defined? How quickly are things changing, and what does the future hold? Will it be chaos or utopia?

Link goes to Marquette University's institutional repository site. Video can be played from front page there, or (more reliably, perhaps) downloaded (147 MB) and played locally. It is about 1 hour, including Q&A.
