Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
Document Type
Date of this Version
Journal of Parasitology (September 1925) 12(1): 11-18, + 1 plate.
Also appeared as Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Illinois, number 265, under the direction of Henry Baldwin Ward.
During the summer of 1924 a study of marine fish parasites was made at the Mount Desert Island (Maine, USA) Biological Laboratory. The present paper represents a preliminary report on the trematode group. Three new species of trematodes are described. Only brief consideration is here given to species already known. A later paper will deal more completely with these and related forms.
Includes brief descriptions of Podocotyle atomon (Rud. 1802), Podocotyle olssoni Odhner 1905, Stephanochasmus baccatus Nicoll 1907, Lepidapedon rachion (Cobb.) 1858, Lepidapedon elongatum (Lebour 1908), Homalometron pallidum Staff. 1904, Steganoderma formosum Staff. 1904, Otodistomum cestoides (van Ben. 1870), Hemiurus levinseni Odhner 1905, Brachyphallus crenatus (Rud. 1802), Lecithaster gibbosus (Rud. 1802), Aponurus sphaerolecithus n. sp., Genolinea laticauda n. g., n. sp., Gonocerca phycidis n. g., n. sp., Derogenes varicus (Müller 1784), Acanthocotyle verrilli Goto 1899, and Dactylocotyle minor (Olss. 1868).
The writer is indebted to Dr. Henry Baldwin Ward under whose direction the studies were undertaken. Gratitude is also expressed to Professor Ulric Dahlgren for many courtesies received at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory.
Public domain material.