Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


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Date of this Version



American Midland Naturalist (March 1949) 41(2): 432-435.

Studies from the Department of Zoology, University of Nebraska, number 235.


Public domain material.


Professor José M. Ruiz of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has kindly called my attention to the fact that the generic name Opisthoporus Manter, 1947 had been used several times previously, a condition which I had indeed checked but thoughtlessly forgot. For Opisthoporus Manter, 1947 (nec Opisthoporus Benson, 1851; Opisthoporus Minot, 1877; Opisthoporus Fukui, 1929), the name Postporus is proposed. The two species become Postporus epinepheli (Manter, 1947) and Postporus mycteropercae (Manter, 1947).

The combination Pleurogonus candidulus (Linton, 1910) (misspelled "candibulus" in my paper) had been made in 1946 by Ruiz (1946: 295) where, however, it was first printed "candulus." Its correct name is, therefore, Pleurogonius candidulus (Linton, 1910) Ruiz, 1946.

The author's report on trematodes of marine fishes of Tortugas, Florida (Manter, 1947) refers (p. 258) to a few species not described because they were represented by single specimens deemed inadequate for satisfactory identification. One of these has since been studied in the light of Dollfus' (1946) description of some interesting trematodes from Kyphosus sectatrix from Dakar, Africa. It is a spiny distome from a related host (Kyphosus incisor) and is closely related to Cadentella cadenati (Dollfus, 1946) Nagaty, 1948.

As Nagaty (1948) has noted, Enenterum pseudaureum Dollfus, 1946 from Kyphosus sectatrix at Dakar, Africa is a synonym of Enenterum pimelepteri Nagaty, 1942 from "Pimelopterus tahmel" in the Red Sea. The host genus Pimelepterus Lacapede, 1802 is listed as a synonym of Kyphosus by Jordan, Evermann and Clark (1930). Nagaty's spelling "pimelopteri" seems to be from "Pimelopterus" of Schinz, 1822 apparently a misspelling of Pimelepterus.

SUMMARY 1. The generic name Postporus is offered for Opisthoporus Manter, 1947, preoccupied. 2. Cadenatella americana, from Kyphosus incisor, is described as a new species. 3. A list of the helminth parasites of Kyphosus is given with notes on their geographical distribution.
