Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


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Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (1970) 94: 147-150.

Studies from the Department of Zoology, University of Nebraska, number 419.


Public domain material.


A large, digenetic trematode is described from the ureter of the tuna Thunnus thynnus moccoyii from southern Australian waters. It represents a new genus and species, Cetiotrema crassum (subfamily Gorgoderinae) distinguished by the size and shape of the body, the caeca being distant from the sides of the body, the uterus being intercaecal, the vitellaria arising as three claviform lobes on each side and the seminal vesicle at least partly anterior to the genital pore.

The genus is close to Phyllodistomum Braun; P. carangi Manter, 1947, is considered to belong to Cetiotrema; P. lancea Mamaev, 1968 is very similar to Cetiotrema crassum in some features but, largely on account of the form of the vitellaria, is retained in Phyllodistomum.
