"Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Infection by sarcosporidia (genu" by A. V. Levit and Frederick K. Plous Jr.

Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


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Translation 22, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, December 17, 1969 (10 pages)

Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Infection by sarcosporidia (genus Sarcocystis) in farm animals of southeast Kazakhstan [=Porazhenie sarkosporidiyami (roda Sarcocystis) sel'skokhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh yugo-vostoka Kazakhstana]. In Boev, S. N. et al., editors. Parasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan, I. [= Parazity sel'skhokozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana, I]. Izdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, pp. 56-62

Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr., and edited by Norman D. Levine (notated NDL:cml)



Farm animals in southeast Kazakhstan are widely infected with sarcosporidia: 96.9% of the sheep, 88% of the cattle, 70% of the camels, and 40% of the swine.

The muscles most often and most heavily infected are: in sheep, the heart, diaphragm, and median buttock muscle; in cattle, the heart and esophagus; in camels, the esophagus, diaphragm, and median buttock muscle; in swine, the heart, diaphragm, and median buttock.

The most objective data on infection of animals can be obtained by studying a minimum of 3 or 4 muscles of different muscular systems simultaneously.

Heavy infection of muscles by sarcosporidia, especially in the cardiac muscle, cannot but exercise a destructive effect on the body as a whole.

Translation 22, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, December 17, 1969 (10 pages)

Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Infection by sarcosporidia (genus Sarcocystis) in farm animals of southeast Kazakhstan [=Porazhenie sarkosporidiyami (roda Sarcocystis) sel'skokhozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh yugo-vostoka Kazakhstana]. In Boev, S. N. et al., editors. Parasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan, I. [= Parazity sel'skhokozyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana, I]. Izdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, pp. 56-62

Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr., and edited by Norman D. Levine (notated NDL:cml)

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