Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of
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Translation number 23, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, December 17, 1969 (6 pages)
Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Dynamics of an infection by Sarcocystis tenella sarcosporidia in sheep in southeast Kazakhstan [= Dinamika zarazheniya sarkosporidyami Sarcocystis tenella ovets yugo-vostoka Kazakhstana]. In Boev., S. N., et al., editors. Parasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan, I. [= Parazity sel'skhokzyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana, I]. Izdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, pp. 63-68
Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr., and edited by Norman D. Levine (notated NDL:cml)
Sarcocystis tenellainfects sheep in southeast Kazakhstan starting in their second month of life. As the sheep age the extent and intensity of infection grows, by the tenth or eleventh month, 100% of the sheep are infected. Adult sheep more than 5 years old are all infected with sarcosporidia.
As the level of fatness decreases the extent and severity of sarcosporidial infection rises.
Females become infected oftener and more heavily than males.
Infection of sheep by sarcosporidia occurs throughout the year in southeast Kazakhstan, with a rise in the spring-summer and early autumn periods; its prevalence is somewhat less in the late autumn and winter.
Translation number 23, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States, December 17, 1969 (6 pages)
Translation of Levchenko, N. G. 1962. Dynamics of an infection by Sarcocystis tenella sarcosporidia in sheep in southeast Kazakhstan [= Dinamika zarazheniya sarkosporidyami Sarcocystis tenella ovets yugo-vostoka Kazakhstana]. In Boev., S. N., et al., editors. Parasites of farm animals in Kazakhstan, I. [= Parazity sel'skhokzyaistvennykh zhivotnykh Kazakhstana, I]. Izdat. Akademie Nauk Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, pp. 63-68
Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr., and edited by Norman D. Levine (notated NDL:cml)