Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of


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Translation 33, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States (7 pages)

Translation of Karapet'yan, A. B. 1970. Fauna i dinamika chislennosti moskitov v ochagakh vistseral'nogo leishmanioza v gornykh raionakh Kopet-Daga [= The fauna and abundance dynamics of sandflies in nidi of visceral leishmaniasis in the mountain regions of the Kopet-Dag]. Voprosy Prirodnoi Ochagovosti Boleznei [= Contributions on the Natural Nidality of Diseases]. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, USSR 3: 180-189

Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr. Edited by Norman D. Levine



1. In the mountainous regions of the Kopet-Dag, where cases of visceral leishmaniasis have been observed, 19 species of sandflies were found.

2. The physico-geographic conditions of the mountain valleys and their individual parts may substantially affect the species content of the sandflies and the abundance of a given species.

3. On the north slopes of the Kopet-Dag a flight of 4 generations was observed at settled places; P. papatasi, S. arpaklensis, and S. grecovi were most numerous in human habitations, while in the rodent colonies one sees.P. caucasicus, P. mongolensis, and P. chinensis.

4. In the deep mountainous Sumbar valley those possible vectors having wide distribution include P. mongolensis. In the extreme northern valley (Bikrava-Chashme) its abundance falls to the minimum in some years.

5. In the foothills of the Kopet-Dag P. chinensis is abundant on the sandy-clayey slopes of the Kyushenin-Bayir.

Translation 33, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States (7 pages)

Translation of Karapet'yan, A. B. 1970. Fauna i dinamika chislennosti moskitov v ochagakh vistseral'nogo leishmanioza v gornykh raionakh Kopet-Daga [= The fauna and abundance dynamics of sandflies in nidi of visceral leishmaniasis in the mountain regions of the Kopet-Dag]. Voprosy Prirodnoi Ochagovosti Boleznei [= Contributions on the Natural Nidality of Diseases]. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, USSR 3: 180-189

Translated from Russian to English by Frederick K. Plous, Jr. Edited by Norman D. Levine

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