"Addendum to Encomia and Reflections, Clyde Jones (1935-2015): Encomium" by Robert J. Baker, Carleton J. Phillips et al.

Museum, University of Nebraska State


Date of this Version



Addendum in Contributions in Natural History: A Memorial Volume in Honor of Clyde Jones Editors. R. W. Manning, J. R. Goetze, and F. D. Yancey Special Publication of the Museum, Texas Tech University (2016) 65: 1-273 + addendum By Robert J. Baker, Carleton J. Phillips, and Hugh H. Genoways


Copyright 2016, Museum of Texas Tech University. Used by permission.


This is the authors' collective attempt to provide an encomium (an honest song of praise) for Clyde Jones. After some urging from the editors of this volume, the authors conspired to share some memories of Clyde.

Editors’ note: Due to various factors, this encomium was submitted too late to be included in the published memorial volume. However, in consideration of the relationship of the authors to Clyde Jones, we agreed to make this encomium available via electronic format as a supplement to the printed volume.
