Museum, University of Nebraska State


Date of this Version



Acta Zoologica Fennica (1985) 170: 71-73.


Copyright 1985, Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board. Used by permission.


A review is made of numerous insecticides to determine their suitability for use in Recent mammal collections. Factors determining their value were based on human safety, ability to protect specimens without adverse effects, and other considerations. The more favorable insecticides to use in mammal collections include Dowfume 75, sulfuryl fluoride. dimethyldiclorovinyl phosphate, paradichlorobenzene, carbon dioxide, and naphthalene. Insecticides that are considered less favor able because of many limitations included aldrin, dieldrin, arsenic, borax, mitin, ethylene oxide, methoxychlor, methyl bromide, and pyrethrum. There are some insecticides that should never be used because of extreme health and/or fire hazards. These include carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, ethyl acetate, ethylene dichloride, and hydrogen cyanide. Several considerations are presented to promote proper use of insecticides to insure hum an safety and care of the mammal collection.
