Museum, University of Nebraska State


Date of this Version



In Mammal Collection Management (H.H. Genoways, C. Jones, and O.L. Rossolimo, editors). Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University Press, 1987, pages 97-110.


Copyright 1987, Texas Tech University. Used by permission.


Since the mid-1960s, discussion of computer use for information retrieval in museum collections has usually focused on research potential. Much attention has been given to the idea of networking and the ability to access data across great distances. However, the potential for collection management usage has also proven to be a legitimate rationale for computerization. Numerous aspects of collection management are discussed for which the computer may be employed. Topics include creating cross-reference files, updating taxonomic and geographic information, pinpointing mismatched specimens, locating lost and uncataloged material, controlling loan procedures, producing accession files for insurance purposes, curating all or part of the collection, answering inquiries, generating catalogs, labels, and permit reports.
