Museum, University of Nebraska State


Date of this Version



SWANEWS (1975). Southwestern Association of Naturalists News.


Copyright 1975, the authors. Used by permission.


First paragraph:

On 25 April 1975, at the twenty-second annual meeting of SWAN (i.e. Southwestern Association of Naturalists), at the University of Oklahoma Biological Station, President Keith A. Arnold appointed one of us (Choate) to investigate current regulations pertaining to collection and transport of scientific specimens in the region of representation (including Mexico) or SWAN. This charge involves both Federal and State laws, several of which are undergoing change and many of which doubtlessly are not familiar to the membership of SWAN. In order that SWAN members might be made aware of these regulations and not unwittingly commit violations, it was decided that SWANEWS should be used as the vehicle by which to disseminate information thereon.
