National Aeronautics and Space Administration
United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Publications
Mechanical AGN feedback: controlling the thermodynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies, M. Gaspari, F. Brighenti, and P. Temi
Tracing hydrologic model simulation error as a function of satellite rainfall estimation bias components and land use and land cover conditions, Abebe Gebregiorgis, Yudong Tian, Christa Peters-Lidard, and Faisal Hossain
Compact two-step laser time-of-flight mass spectrometer for in situ analyses of aromatic organics on planetary missions, Stephanie A. Getty, William B. Brinckerhoff, Timothy Cornish, Scott Ecelberger, and Melissa Floyd
LES of temporally evolving mixing layers by an eighth-order filter scheme, Abdellah Hadjadj, Helen C. Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
LES of temporally evolving mixing layers by an eighth-order filter scheme, Abdellah Hadjadj, Helen Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
Integration Technologies for Silicon Carbide-Based Ceramics for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems-Lean Direct Injector Fuel Injector Applications, Michael C. Halbig, Mrityunjay Singh, and Hiroshi Tsuda
Snow cover, snowmelt timing and stream power in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, Dorothy K. Hall, James L. Foster, Nicolo E. DiGirolamo, and George A. Riggs
Polyquinoxaline Matrix Resins And Composites, Paul M. Hergenrother and John W. Connell
Drought indicators based on model-assimilated Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) terrestrial water storage observations, Rasmus Houborg, Matthew Rodell, Bailing Li, Rolf Reichle, and Benjamin Zaitchik
The next Landsat satellite: The Landsat Data Continuity Mission, James R. Irons, John L. Dwyer, and Julia A. Barsi
Continental-scale validation of MODIS-based and LEDAPS Landsat ETM+ atmospheric correction methods, Junchang Ju, David P. Roy, Eric Vermote, Jeffrey Masek, and Valeriy Kovalskyy
Distinguishing between stellar and planetary companions with phase monitoring, Stephen R. Kane and Dawn M. Gelino
A notched coupon approach for tensile testing of braided composites, Lee W. Kohlman, Justin L. Bail, Gary D. Roberts, Jonathan A. Salem, Richard E. Martin, and Wieslaw K. Binienda
1D and 2D simulations for the NASA Electric Arc Shock Tube experiments, D. V. Kotov, Helen C. Yee, M. Panesi, D. Prabhu, and A. Wray
Comparative study of high-order positivity-preserving WENO schemes, D. V. Kotov, Helen C. Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
On spurious numerics in solving reactive equations, D. V. Kotov, Helen C. Yee, W. Wang, and C.-W. Shu
State of the art satellite and airborne marine oil spill remote sensing: Application to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Ira Leifer, William J. Lehr, Debra Simecek-Beatty, Eliza Bradley, Roger Clark, Philip Dennison, Yongxiang Hu, Scott Matheson, Cathleen E. Jones, Benjamin Holt, Molly Reif, Dar A. Roberts, Jan Svejkovsky, Gregg Swayze, and Jennifer Wozencraft
Assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage into a land surface model: Evaluation and potential value for drought monitoring in western and central Europe, Bailing Li, Matthew Rodell, Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Rolf H. Reichle, Randal D. Koster, and Tonie M. van Dam
Hubble Space Telescope Hα imaging of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1–1.5: evolution in the size and luminosity of giant HII regions, R. C. Livermore, T. Jones, J. Richard, R. G. Bower, R. S. Ellis, A. M. Swinbank, J. R. Rigby, Ian Smail, S. Arribas, J. Rodriguez-Zaurin, L. Colina, H. Ebeling, and R. A. Crain
Forty-year calibrated record of earth-reflected radiance from Landsat: A review, Brian L. Markham and Dennis L. Helder
Optimal control modification for robust adaptive control with large adaptive gain, Nhan T. Nguyen
Development of a Urea Bioprobe Based on Platinized Boron- Doped Diamond Electrodes, Eduardo Nicolau, Jose J. Fonseca, and Carlos R. Cabrera
Remodeling Cross-β Nanotube Surfaces with Peptide/Lipid Chimeras, Rong Ni, W. Seth Childers, Kenneth I. Hardcastle, Anil K. Mehta, and David G. Lynn
Benchmark assessment of automated delamination propagation capabilities in finite element codes for static loading, Adrian C. Orifici and Ronald Krueger
Polarimetric retrievals of surface and cirrus clouds properties in the region affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Matteo Ottaviani, Brian Cairns, Jacek Chowdhary, Bastiaan Van Diedenhoven, Kirk Knobelspiesse, Chris Hostetler, Rich Ferrare, Sharon Burton, John Hair, Michael D. Obland, and Raymond Rogers
Iterative atmospheric correction scheme and the polarization color of alpine snow, Matteo Ottaviani, Brian Cairns, Rich Ferrare, and Raymond Rogers
Global burned area and biomass burning emissions from small fires, J. T. Randerson, Y. Chen, G. R. van der Werf, B. M. Rogers, and D. C. Morton
Satellite Gravimetry Applied to Drought Monitoring, Matthew Rodell
Transparent Armor Ceramics as Spacecraft Windows, Jonathan Salem
Subtropical gyre variability as seen from satellites, Sergio R. Signorini and Charles R. McClain
Herschel-ATLAS: multi-wavelength SEDs and physical properties of 250μm selected galaxies at z < 0.5, D. J. B. Smith, L. Dunne, E. da Cunha, K. Rowlands, S. J. Maddox, H. L. Gomez, D. G. Bonfield, S. Charlot, S. P. Driver, C. C. Popescu, R. J. Tuffs, J. S. Dunlop, M. J. Jarvis, N. Seymour, M. Symeonidis, M. Baes, N. Bourne, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, G. De Zotti, S. Dye, S. Eales, D. Scott, A. Verma, P. van der Werf, E. Andrae, R. Auld, S. Buttiglione, A. Cava, A. Dariush, J. Fritz, R. Hopwood, E. Ibar, R. J. Ivison, L. Kelvin, B. F. Madore, M. Pohlen, E. E. Rigby, A. Robotham, M. Seibert, and P. Temi
Transmission electron microscopy of single wall carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites: A first-principles study, F. Solá, Z. H. Xia, M. Lebrón-Colón, and M. A. Meador
Linearized T-matrix and Mie scattering computations, R. Spurr, J. Wang, J. Zeng, and M. I. Mishchenko
Atmospheric correction for MASTER image data using localized modelled and observed meteorology and trace gases, Daniel S. Tkacik, Yaítza Luna-Cruz, Nicholas Clinton, Scott Spak, and John Ryan
Identifying Type IIn supernova progenitors in our Galaxy: the circumstellar environment of the Galactic luminous blue variable candidate Gal 026.47+0.02, G. Umana, A. Ingallinera, C. Trigilio, C. S. Buemi, P. Leto, C. Agliozzo, A. Noriega-Crespo, N. Flagey, R. Paladini, and S. Molinari
Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: spatial clustering of low-redshift submm galaxies, E. van Kampen, D. J. B. Smith, S. Maddox, A. M. Hopkins, I. Valtchanov, J. A. Peacock, M. J. Michałowski, P. Norberg, S. Eales, L. Dunne, J. Liske, M. Baes, D. Scott, E. Rigby, A. Robotham, P. van der Werf, E. Ibar, M. J. Jarvis, J. Loveday, R. Auld, I. K. Baldry, Steven Bamford, E. Cameron, S. Croom, S. Buttiglione, A. Cava, A. Cooray, S. Driver, J. S. Dunlop, A. Dariush, J. Fritz, R. J. Ivison, E. Pascale, M. Pohlen, G. Rodighiero, P. Temi, D. G. Bonfield, D. Hill, D. H. Jones, L. Kelvin, H. Parkinson, M. Prescott, R. Sharp, G. de Zotti, S. Serjeant, C. C. Popescu, and R. J. Tuffs
GJ 581 update: Additional evidence for a Super-Earth in the habitable zone, S.S. Vogt, R.P. Butler, and N. Haghighipour
High order finite difference methods with subcell resolution for advection equations with stiff source terms, Wei Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, Helen C. Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
The chemistry of extragalactic carbon stars, Paul M. Woods, C. Walsh, M. A. Cordiner, and F. Kemper
Ceramic thin film thermocouples for SiC-based ceramic matrix composites, John D. Wrbanek, Gustave C. Fralick, and Dongming Zhu
Response of spherical diffusion flames subjected to rotation: Microgravity experimentation and computational simulation, Sean W. Yoo, Swetaprovo Chaudhuri, Kurt R. Sacksteder, Peng Zhang, Delin Zhu, and Chung K. Law
The radiation quality factor as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, A. F. Barghouty
Coupled multi-disciplinary methods for structural reliability and affordability, Christos C. Chamis
Forest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR, Mark Chopping, Crystal B. Schaaf, Feng Zhao, Anne W. Nolin, Gretchen G. Moisen, John V. Martonchik, and Michael Bull
Small Cold Temperature Instrument Packages, Pamela E. Clark, P. S. Millar, P. S. Yeh, S. Feng, D. Brigham, and B. Beaman
Solar powered micrometeorite sensors using indoor ambient light for the International Space Station, Eric M. Compher, Mool C. Gupta, William C. Wilson, and Eric. I. Madaras
Modeling initial stage of phenolic pyrolysis: Graphitic precursor formation and interfacial effects, Tapan G. Desai, John W. Lawson, and Pawel Keblinski
Numerical simulations of single and multiple scattering by fractal ice clusters, Janna M. Dlugach, Michael I. Mishchenko, and Daniel W. Mackowski
Mass flux at ignition in reduced pressure environments, Sonia Fereres, Chris Lautenberger, Carlos Fernandez-Pello, David Urban, and Gary Ruff
Fatigue resistance of the grain size transition zone in a dual microstructure superalloy disk, T. P. Gabb, P.T. Kantzos, J. Telesman, J. Gayda, C.K. Sudbrack, and B. Palsa
C° beam elements based on the Refined Zigzag Theory for multilayered composite and sandwich laminates, Marco Gherlone, Alexander Tessler, and Marco Di Sciuva
A history of NASA remote sensing contributions to archaeology, Marco J. Giardino
Complex magmatic and impact history prior to 4.1 Ga recorded in zircon from Apollo 17 South Massif aphanitic breccia 73235, M.L. Grange, A.A. Nemchin, N. Timms, R. T. Pidgeon, and C. Meyer
Characterizing 3D vegetation structure from space: Mission requirements, Forrest G. Hall, Kathleen Bergen, James B. Blair, Ralph Dubayah, Richard Houghton, George Hurtt, Josef Kellndorfer, Michael Lefsky, Jon Ranson, Sassan Saatchi, H.H. Shugart, and Diane Wickland
The 2009 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database, N. Jacquinet-Husson, L. Crepeau, R. Armante, C. Boutammine, A. D. Chedin, N.A. Scott, C. Crevoisier, V. Capelle, C. Boone, N. Poulet-Crovisier, A. Barbe, A. Campargue, D. Chris Benner, Y. Benilan, B. Bezard, V. Boudon, L.R Brown, L.H. Coudert, A. Coustenis, V. Dana, V.M. Devi, S. Fally, A. Fayt, J.-M. Flaud, A. Goldman, M. Herman, G.J. Harris, D. Jacquemart, A. Jolly, I. Kleiner, A. Kleinbohl, F. Kwabia-Tchana, N. Lavrentieva, N. Lacome, Li-Hong Xu, O.M. Lyulin, J.-Y. Mandin, A. Maki, S. Mikhailenko, C.E. Miller, T. Mishina, N. Moazzen-Ahmadi, H.S.P. Muller, A. Nikitin, J. Orphal, V. Perevalov, A. Perrin, D.T. Petkie, A. Predoi-Cross, C.P. Rinsland, J.J. Remedios, M. Rotger, M.A.H. Smith, K. Sung, S. Tashkun, J. Tennyson, R.A. Toth, A.-C. Vandaele, and J. Vander-Auwera
Satellite Remote Sensing for Developing Time and Space Resolved Estimates of Ambient Particulate in Cleveland, OH, Naresh Kumar, Allen D. Chu, Andrew D. Foster, Thomas Peters, and Robert Willis
Variable high-order multiblock overlapping grid methods for mixed steady and unsteady multiscale viscous flows, part II: hypersonic nonequilibrium flows, Andrea Lani, Bjorn Sjögreen, Helen C. Yee, and William D. Henshaw
Variable high-order overset grid methods for mixed steady and unsteady multiscale viscous hypersonic nonequilibrium flows, A. Lani; Bjorn Sjögreen; Helen Yee; and W, D. Henshaw
High-resolution stalagmite reconstructions of Australian–Indonesian monsoon rainfall variability during Heinrich stadial 3 and Greenland interstadial 4, Sophie C. Lewis, Michael K. Gagan, Linda Ayliffe, Jian-xin Zhao, Wahyoe S. Hantoro, Pauline Treble, John C. Hellstrom, Allegra N. LeGrande, Maxwell Kelley, Gavin A. Schmidt, and Bambang W. Suwargadi
Study of a Magnetic Filter System for the Characterization of Particle Magnetic Property, Lin Li, Paul S. Greenberg, Kenneth W. Street Jr., and Da-Ren Chen
Can climate sensitivity be estimated from short-term relationships of top-of-atmosphere net radiation and surface temperature?, Bing Lin, Qilong Min, Wenbo Sun, Yongxiang Hu, and Tai-Fang Fan
Optic Disc Edema, Globe Flattening, Choroidal Folds, and Hyperopic Shifts Observed in Astronauts after Long-duration Space Flight, Thomas H. Mader, C. Robert Gibson, Anastas F. Pass, Larry A. Kramer, Andrew G. Lee, Jennifer Fogarty, William J. Tarver, Joseph P. Dervay, Douglas R. Hamilton, Ashot Sargsyan, John L. Phillips, Duc Tran, William Lipsky, Jung Choi, Claudia Stern, Raffi Kuyumjian, and James D. Polk
Back-face strain compliance relation for compact specimens for wide range in crack lengths, J. C. Newman Jr., Y. Yamada, and M.A. James
Remote sensing of phytoplankton community composition along the northeast coast of the United States, Xiaoju Pan, Antonio Mannino, Harold G. Marshall, Katherine C. Filippino, and Margaret R. Mulholland
Performance of Whipple shields at impact velocities above 9 km/s, A.J. Piekutowski, K.L. Poormon, E.L. Christiansen, and B.A. Davis
The coupling of a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a cosmic simulation chamber: A powerful new tool for laboratory astrophysics, Claire L. Ricketts, Cesar S. Contreras, Robert L. Walker, and Farid Salama
Variability in surface BRDF at different spatial scales (30 m–500 m) over a mixed agricultural landscape as retrieved from airborne and satellite spectral measurements, Miguel O. Román, Charles K. Gatebe, Crystal Schaaf, Rajesh Poudyal, Zhuosen Wang, and Michael King
Canopy spectral invariants, Part 2: Application to classification of forest types from hyperspectral data, M.A. Schull, Y. Knyazikhin, L. Xu, A. Samanta, P.L. Carmona, L. Lepine, J.P. Jenkins, S. Ganguly, and R.B. Myneni
Hydrogen and moisture-induced scale spallation: Cathodic descaling of a single crystal superalloy, James L. Smialek
Moisture-Induced TBC Spallation on Turbine Blade Samples, James L. Smialek
Forest biomass mapping from lidar and radar synergies, Guoqing Sun, K. Jon Ranson, Z. Guo, Z. Zhang, P. Montesano, and D. Kimes
Mapping biomass and stress in the Sierra Nevada using lidar and hyperspectral data fusion, Anu Swatantran, Ralph Dubayah, Dar A. Roberts, Michelle Hofton, and J. Bryan Blair
Does dynamical downscaling introduce novel information in climate model simulations of precipitation change over a complex topography region?, George Tselioudis, Costas Douvis, and Christos Zerefos
Theory of the propagation dynamics of spiral edges of diffusion flames in von Kármán swirling flows, Javier Urzay, Vedha Nayagam, and Forman A. Williams
High order finite difference methods with subcell resolution for advection equations with stiff source terms, Wei Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, H.C. Yee, and Björn Sjögreen
Construction of low dissipative high-order well-balanced filter schemes for non-equilibrium flows, Wei Wang, Helen C. Yee, Bjorn Sjögreen, Thierry Magin, and Chi-Wang Shu
High-order finite difference methods with subcell resolution for 2D detonation waves, W. Wang, C.-W. Shu, Helen Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
Retrieval of canopy height using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, Zhuosen Wang, Crystal B. Schaaf, Philip Lewis, Yuri Knyazikhin, Mitchell A. Schull, Alan H. Strahler, Tian Yao, Ranga B. Myneni, Mark J. Chopping, and Bryan J. Blair
Continuity of Landsat observations: Short term considerations, Michael A. Wulder, Joanne C. White, Jeffrey G. Masek, John Dwyer, and David P. Roy
Application of a strip-yield model to predict crack growth under variable-amplitude and spectrum loading – Part 1: Compact specimens, Y. Yamada, B. Ziegler, and J.C. Newman Jr.
Comparison of CERES surface radiation fluxes with surface observations over Loess Plateau, Hongru Yan, Jianping Huang, Patrick Minnis, Tianhe Wang, and Jianrong Bi
High Order Filter Methods for Wide Range of Compressible Flow Speeds, Helen C. Yee and Bjorn Sjögreen
Direct Measurement of Aircraft Engine Soot Emissions Using a Cavity-Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS)-Based Extinction Monitor, Zhenhong Yu, Luke D. Ziemba, Timothy B. Onasch, Scott C. Herndon, Simon E. Albo, Richard Miake-Lye, Bruce E. Anderson, Paul L. Kebabian, and Andrew Freedman
Application of a strip-yield model to predict crack growth under variable-amplitude and spectrum loading – Part 2: Middle-crack-tension specimens, B. Ziegler, Y. Yamada, and J.C. Newman Jr.
Toward a whole-landscape approach for sustainable land use in the tropics, R. DeFries and C. Rosenzweig
Development and evaluation of a cloud-gap-filled MODIS daily snow-cover product, Dorothy K. Hall, George A. Riggs, James L. Foster, and Sujay V. Kumar
Development of a Multi-Stage Axial Flow Cyclone, Ta-Chih Hsiao, Da-Ren Chen, Lin Li, Paul Greenberg, and Kenneth W. Street
Assessment of high-resolution methods for numerical simulations of compressible turbulence with shock waves, Eric Johnsen, Johan Larsson, Ankit V. Bhagatwala, William H. Cabot, Parviz Moin, Britton J. Olson, Pradeep S. Rawat, Santhosh K. Shankar, Bjorn Sjögreen, Helen C. Yee, Xiaolin Zhong, and Sanjiva K. Lele
Toward Establishing a Realistic Benchmark for Airframe Noise Research: Issues and Challenges, Mehdi R. Khorrami
High-order simulation of hypersonic nonequilibrium flows on overset grids, A. Lani, Bjorn Sjögreen, and Helen Yee
Automation for task analysis of next generation air traffic management systems, Maricel Medina, Lance Sherry, and Michael Feary
Remote sensing of phytoplankton pigment distribution in the United States northeast coast, Xiaoju Pan, Antonio Mannino, Mary E. Russ, Stanford B. Hooker, and Lawrence Harding
The carbon budget of California, Christopher Potter
Thermal expansion of vacuum plasma sprayed coatings, S.V. Raj and A. Palczer
Test method variability in slow crack growth properties of sealing glasses, J. Salem and R. Tandon
Coupled neutron transport for HZETRN, T.C. Slaba, S.R. Blattnig, S.K. Aghara, L.W. Townsend, T. Handler, T.A. Gabriel, L.S. Pinsky, and B. Reddell
High-order finite difference methods with subcell resolution for hyperbolic conservation laws with stiff reaction terms: preliminary results, W. Wang, C.-W. Shu, Helen Yee, and Bjorn Sjögreen
Evaluation of shortwave infrared atmospheric correction for ocean color remote sensing of Chesapeake Bay, P. Jeremy Werdell, Bryan A. Franz, and Sean W. Bailey
Efficacy of various chemical disinfectants on biofilms formed in spacecraft potable water system components, Wing C. Wong, Lynn A. Dudinsky, Veronica M. Garcia, Charlie M. Ott, and Victoria A. Castro