Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: Staff Publications
Diverse portfolios: Investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene, Kristen L. Bouska, Brian D. Healy, Michael J. Moore, Corey G. Dunn, Jonathan J. Spurgeon, and Craig P. Paukert
Movement and genomic methods reveal mechanisms promoting connectivity in a declining shorebird: the lesser yellowlegs, K. Christie, R. E. Wilson, J. A. Johnson, C. Friis, C. M. Harwood, L. A. McDuffie, E. Nol, and Sarah A. Sonsthagen
Ancient bears provide insights into Pleistocene ice age refugia in Southeast Alaska, Flavio Augusto da Silva Coelho, Stephanie Gill, Crystal M. Tomlin, Marilena Papavassiliou, Sean D. Farley, Joseph A. Cook, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, George K. Sage, Timothy H. Heaton, Sandra L. Talbot, and Charlotte Lindqvist
Spatial and temporal activity patterns among sympatric tree-roosting bat species in an agriculturally dominated Great Plains landscape, Christopher Fill, Craig R. Allen, John F. Benson, and Dirac Twidwell
Fecal DNA metabarcoding shows credible short-term prey detections and explains variation in the gut microbiome of two polar bear subpopulations, M. Franz, L. Whyte, T. C. Atwood, D. Menning, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, S. L. Talbot, K. L. Laidre, E. Gonzalez, and M. A. McKinney
Bats increased foraging activity at experimental prey patches near hibernacula, Winifred F. Frick, Yvonne A. Dzal, Kristin A. Jonasson, Michael D. Whitby, Amanda M. Adams, Christen Long, John E. Depue, Christian M. Newman, Craig K. R. Willis, and Tina L. Cheng
Waterbody size predicts bank- and boat-angler efforts, Derek S. Kane, Kevin L. Pope, Keith D. Koupal, Mark A. Pegg, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Mark A. Kaemingk
Heterogeneity of recreationists in a park and protected area, Olivia A. DaRugna, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope
Natural resource system size can be used for managing recreational use, Derek S. Kane, Kevin L. Pope, Keith D. Koupal, Mark A. Pegg, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Mark A. Kaemingk
NABat ML: Utilizing deep learning to enable crowdsourced development of automated, scalable solutions for documenting North American bat populations, Ali Khalighifar, Benjamin S. Gotthold, Erin Adams, Jenny Barnett, Laura O. Beard, Eric R. Britzke, Paul A. Burger, Kimberly Chase, Zackary Cordes, Paul M. Cryan, Emily Emily, Christopher T. Fill, Scott E. Gibson, G. Scott Haulton, Kathryn M. Irvine, Lara S. Katz, William L. Kendall, Christen A. Long, Oisin Mac Aodha, Tessa McBurney, Sara McCarthy, Matthew W. McKown, Joy O'Keefe, Lucy D. Patterson, Kristopher A. Pitcher, Matthew Rustand, Jordi L. Segers, Kyle Seppanen, Jeremy L. Siemers, Christian Stratton, Bethany R. Straw, Theodore J. Weller, and Brian E. Reichert
Valuing Angling on Reservoirs Using Benefit Transfer, Richard T. Melstrom, Mark A. Kaemingk, Nicholas W. Cole, John C. Whitehead, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope
The DDT-induced decline influenced genetic diversity in naturally recovered Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) nesting within the Alaska Arctic and eastern interior, SARAH A. SONSTHAGEN,; TED SWEM; SKIP AMBROSE; MELANIE J. FLAMME; CLAYTON M. WHITE; GEORGE K. SAGE; and SANDRA L. TALBOT
Species-specific responses to landscape features shaped genomic structure within Alaska galliformes, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, Robert E. Wilson, and Sandra L. Talbot
Trout Responses to Stocking Rates and River Discharge within a Southeastern U.S. Hydropeaking Tailwater, Jonathan J. Spurgeon, Joseph Kaiser, Christy Graham, and Steve Lochmann
Low levels of hybridization between sympatric cold-water-adapted Arctic cod and Polar cod in the Beaufort Sea confirm genetic distinctiveness, Robert E. Wilson, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, Philip Lavretsky, Andrew Majewski, Einar Árnason, Katrín Halldórsdóttir, Axel W. Einarsson, Kate Wedemeyer, and Sandra L. Talbot
Impacts of extreme environmental disturbances on piping plover survival are partially moderated by migratory connectivity, Kristen S. Ellis, Michael J. Anteau, Francesca J. Cuthbert, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, Joel G. Jorgensen, David J. Newstead, Larkin Powell, Megan M. Ring, Mark H. Sherfy, Rose J. Swift, Dustin L. Toy, and David N. Koons
Roost Use and Movements of Northern Long-Eared Bats in a Southeast Nebraska Agricultural Landscape, Christopher Fill, Craig R. Allen, John F. Benson, and Dirac Twidwell
Temporal invariance of social-ecological catchments, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christine N. Bender, Chris Chizinski, Aaron J. Bunch, and Kevin L. Pope
Phylogenomics reveals ancient and contemporary gene flow contributing to the evolutionary history of sea ducks (Tribe Mergini), Philip Lavretsky, Robert E. Wilson, Sandra L. Talbot, and Sarah A. Sonsthagen
The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): Development, Applications, and Opportunities, Abigail J. Lynch, Nicholas A. Sievert, Holly S. Embke, Ashley M. Robertson, Bonnie J.E. Myers, Micheal S. Allen, Zachary S. Feiner, Frederick Hoogakker, Scott Knoche, Rebecca M. Krogman, Stephen R. Midway, Chelsey L. Nieman, Craig P. Paukert, Kevin L. Pope, Mark W. Rogers, Lyndsie S. Wszola, and T. Douglas Beard
Biodiversity Scale-Dependence and Opposing Multi-level Correlations Underlie Differences among Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity, Nadejda A. Mirochnitchenko, Erica F. Stuber, and Joseph J. Fontaine
A Social–Ecological Odyssey in Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Andrew K. Carlson, William W. Taylor, Melissa R. Cronin, Mitchell J. Eaton, Mark A. Kaemingk, Andrea J. Reid, and Ashley Trudeau
Mitogenome of northern long-eared bat, Sarah Gaughan, Kevin L. Pope, Jeremy A. White, Cliff Lemen, and Patricia Freeman
Exit here: strategies for dealing with aging dams and reservoirs, Henry H. Hansen, Emily Forzono, Alisha Grams, Lindsay Ohlman, Christine Ruskamp, Mark A. Pegg, and Kevin L. Pope
Understanding Sportsperson Retention and Reactivation Through License Purchasing Behavior, Matthew P. Hinrichs, Nathaniel B. Price, Matthew P. Gruntorad, Kevin L. Pope, Joseph J. Fontaine, and Christopher J. Chizinski
Spatial and temporal behavioral differences between angler-access types, Derek Kane, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope
Weather and Exposure Period Affect Coyote Detection at Camera Traps, Anastasia E. Madsen, Lucia Corral Hurtado, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Use of otolith chemistry to assess recruitment and habitat use of a white bass fishery in a Nebraska reservoir, Matthew A. Perrion, Mark A. Kaemingk, Keith D. Koupal, Casey W. Schoenebeck, and Nate A. Bickford
An open-sourced, web-based application to improve our ability to understand hunter and angler purchasing behavior from license data, Nathaniel B. Price, Christopher J. Chizinski, Joseph J. Fontaine, Kevin L. Pope, Micaela Rahe, and Jeff Rawlinson
Record fledging count from a seven-egg clutch in the Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii), Robert N. Rosenfield, Sarah A. Sonsthagen, Ann Riddle-Berntsen, and Evan Kuhel
Use and expenditures on public access hunting lands, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Lutz F. Gruber, Erica F. Stuber, Lindsey N. Messinger, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Joseph J. Fontaine
The future of recreational fisheries: Advances in science, monitoring, management, and practice, Jacob W. Brownscombe, Kieran Hyder, Warren Potts, Kyle L. Wilson, Kevin L. Pope, Andy J. Danylchuk, Steven J. Cooke, Adrian Clarke, Robert Arlinghaus, and John R. Post
Operationalizing Ecological Resilience Concepts for Managing Species and Ecosystems at Risk, Jeanne C. Chambers, Craig R. Allen, and Samuel A. Cushman
Hunters and Their Perceptions of Public Access: A View from Afield, Joseph J. Fontaine, Alexis D. Fedele, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Lindsey N. Messinger, Christopher J. Chizinski, Jeffery J. Lusk, Karie L. Decker, J. Scott Taylor, and Erica F. Stuber
Estimating the Use of Public Lands: Integrated Modeling of Open Populations with Convolution Likelihood Ecological Abundance Regression, Lutz F. Gruber, Erica F. Stuber, , and Joseph J. Fontaine
Ecosystem size predicts social-ecological dynamics, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christopher J. Chizinski, Craig R. Allen, and Kevin L. Pope
Landscape edges shape dispersal and population structure of a migratory fish, Mark A. Kaemingk, S. E. Swearer, S. J. Bury, and J. S. Shima
Evolutionary history predicts high‐impact invasions by herbivorous insects, Angela M. Mech, Kathryn A. Thomas, Travis D. Marsico, Daniel A. Herms, Craig R. Allen, Matthew P. Ayres, Kamal J.K. Gandhi, Jessica Gurevitch, Nathan P. Havill, Ruth A. Hufbauer, Andrew M. Liebhold, Kenneth F. Raffa, Ashley N. Schulz, Daniel R. Uden, and Patrick C. Tobin
Mortality, perception, and scale: Understanding how predation shapes space use in a wild prey population, Lindsey N. Messinger, Erica F. Stuber, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Joseph J. Fontaine
How characteristic is the species characteristic selection scale?, Erica F. Stuber and Joseph J. Fontaine
Age-0 walleye Sander vitreus display length-dependent diet shift to piscivory, Christopher S. Uphoff, Casey W. Schoenebeck, Keith D. Koupal, Kevin L. Pope, and W. Wyatt Hoback
Public Access for Pheasant Hunters: Understanding an Emerging Need, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Anastasia E. Madsen, Erica F. Stuber, Christopher J. Chizinski, Jeffrey J. Lusk, J. Scott Taylor, Kevin L. Pope, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Quantifying Uncertainty and Trade-offs in Resilience Assessments, Craig R. Allen, Hannah E. Birgé, David G. Angeler, Craig A. Arnold, Brian C. Chaffin, Daniel A. DeCaro, Ahjond S. Garmestani, and Lance Gunderson
Resilience in Environmental Risk and Impact Assessment: Concepts and Measurement, David G. Angeler, Craig R. Allen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Kevin L. Pope, Dirac L. Twidwell Jr, and Micro Bunschuh
Resilience concepts in psychiatry demonstrated with bipolar disorder, David G. Angeler, Craig R. Allen, and Maj-Liz Persson
A Method to Detect Discontinuities in Census Data, Chris Barichievy, David G. Angeler, Tarsha Eason, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Kirsty L. Nash, Craig A. Stow, Shana Sundstrom, and Craig R. Allen
Thermal tolerance limits of the Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis): Implications for management, Jessica L. Burnett, Kevin L. Pope, Alec Wong, Craig R. Allen, Danielle Haak, Bruce J. Stephen, and Daniel R. Uden
Bipartite networks improve understanding of effects of waterbody size and angling method on angler–fish interactions, Christopher J . Chizinski, Dustin R. Martin, Daizaburo Shizuka, and Kevin L. Pope
Population characteristics of Shovelnose Sturgeon during low- and high-water conditions in the lower Platte River, Nebraska, Jeremy J. Hammen, Martin J. Hamel, Matthew L. Rugg, Edward J. Peters, and Mark A. Pegg
Variation in angler distribution and catch rates of stocked rainbow trout in a small reservoir, Brian S. Harmon, Dustin R. Martin, Christopher J . Chizinski, and K. L. Pope
Agroecology for the Shrinking City, Dustin L. Herrmann, Wen-Ching Chuang, Kristen Schawrz, Timothy M. Bowles, Ahjond S. Garmestani, William D. Shuster, Tarsha Eason, Matthew E. Hopton, and Craig R. Allen
Synchrony - an emergent property of recreational fisheries, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christopher J. Chizinski, Keith L. Hurley, and Kevin L. Pope
Synchrony — An emergent property of recreational fisheries, Mark A. Kaemingk, Christopher J. Chizinski, Keith Hurley, and Kevin L. Pope
Opportunities and challenges for big data ornithology, Frank A. La Sorte, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Jessica L. Burnett, Allen H. Hurlbert, Morgan W. Tingley, and Benjamin Zuckerberg
The effect of size on juvenile green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) behavior near water-diversion fish screens, Jamilynn B. Poletto, Dennis E. Cocherell, Natalie Ho, Joseph J. Cech Jr., A. Peter Klimley, and Nann A. Fangue
Ecological neighborhoods as a framework for umbrella species selection, Erica F. Stuber and Joseph J. Fontaine
Predicting species-habitat relationships: does body size matter?, Erica F. Stuber, Lutz F. Gruber, and Joseph J. Fontaine
A Framework for Tracing Social–Ecological Trajectories and Traps in Intensive Agricultural Landscapes, Daniel R. Uden, Craig R. Allen, Francisco Munoz-Arriola, Gengxin Ou, and Nancy Shank
Effects of large-scale wetland loss on network connectivity of the Rainwater Basin, Nebraska, Bram H. F. Verheijen, Dana M. Varner, and David A. Haukos
Simulating detection-censored movement records for home range analysis planning, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Victoria L. Simonsen, Lucía Corral, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Adaptive Management of Rangeland Systems, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, Joseph J. Fontaine, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Noelle M. Chaine, Kevin L. Pope, and Dirac L. Twidwell Jr.
Assessment of a channel catfish population in a large open river system, A. J. Blank, M. J. Hamel, Jonathan J. Spurgeon, and Mark A. Pegg
Capturing change: the duality of time-lapse imagery to acquire data and depict ecological dynamics, Emma Brinley Buckley, Craig R. Allen, Michael L. Forsberg, Michael Farrell, and Andrew J. Caven
Resilience in Ecotoxicology: Toward a Multiple Equilibrium Concept, Mirco Bundschuh, Ralf Schulz, Ralf B. Schäfer, Craig R. Allen, and David G. Angeler
A descriptive analysis of Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) habitat utilizing biological monitoring data along the big bend of the Platte River, NE, Andrew J. Caven, Kelsey C. King, Joshua D. Wiese, and Emma M. Brinley Buckley
Balancing stability and flexibility in adaptive governance: an analysis of tools available in U.S. environmental law, Robin Kundis Craig, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, Craig Anthony (Tony) Arnold, Hannah E. Birge, Daniel A. DeCaro, Alexander K. Fremier, Hannah Gosnell, and Edella Schlager
Protected areas as social-ecological systems: perspectives from resilience and social-ecological systems theory, Graeme S. Cumming and Craig R. Allen
Species Distributions Models in Wildlife Planning: Agricultural Policy and Wildlife Management in the Great Plains, Joseph J. Fontaine, Christopher F. Jorgensen, Erica F. Stuber, Lutz F. Gruber, Andrew A. Bishop, Jeffrey J. Lusk, Eric S. Zach, and Karie L. Decker
Shorebird Stopover Habitat Decisions in a Changing Landscape, Caitlyn Gillespie and Joseph J. Fontaine
Regime shifts and panarchies in regional scale social-ecological water systems, Lance Gunderson, Barbara Cosens, Brian C. Chaffin, Craig Anthony (Tony) Arnold, Alexander K. Fremier, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Robin Kundis Craig, Hannah Gosnell, Hannah E. Birge, Craig R. Allen, Melinda Harm Benson, Ryan R. Morrison, Mark C. Stone, Joseph Hamm, Kristine Nemec, Edella C. Schlager, and Dagmar Llewellyn
Coupling ecological and social network models to assess “transmission” and “contagion” of an aquatic invasive species, Danielle Haak, Brian D. Fath, Valery E. Forbes, Dustin R. Martin, and Kevin L. Pope
Modeling with a Conceptual representation: is it necessary? does it Work?, Rebecca C. Jordan, Steven Gray, Amanda E. Sorensen, Samantha Pasewark, Suparna Sinha, and Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver
Severe Drought Impacts Female Pheasant Physiology in Southwest Nebraska, Jessica A. Laskowski, Gwendolyn C. Bachman, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Landowner and Practitioner Perspectives on Private Land Conservation Programs, Michelle L. Lute, Caitlyn R. Gillespie, Dustin R. Martin, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Network analysis of a regional fishery: Implications for management of natural resources, and recruitment and retention of anglers, Dustin R. Martin, Daizaburo Shizuka, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Kevin L. Pope
Estimating the number of recreational anglers for a given waterbody, Kevin L. Pope, Larkin A. Powell, Brian S. Harmon, Mark A. Pegg, and Christopher J. Chizinski
Reframing communication about Zika and mosquitoes to increase disease prevention behavior, Amanda E. Sorensen, Rebecca C. Jordan, and Shannon LaDeau
Frobenius Betti Numbers and Modules of Finite Protective Dimension, Alessandro De Stefani, Craig Huneke, and Luis Nunez-Betancourt
A Bayesian method for assessing multi-scale species-habitat relationships, Erica F. Stuber, Lutz F. Gruber, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Translating statistical species-habitat models to interactive decision support tools, Lyndsie S. Wszola, Victoria L. Simonsen, Erica F. Stuber, Caitlyn R. Gillespie, Lindsey N. Messinger, Karie L. Decker, Jeffrey J. Lusk, Christopher F. Jorgensen, Andrew A. Bishop, and Joseph J. Fontaine
Quantifying spatial resilience, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, Graeme S. Cumming, Carl Folke, Dirac L. Twidwell, and Daniel R. Uden
Avoiding Decline: Fostering Resilience and Sustainability in Midsize Cities, Craig R. Allen, Hannah E. Birge, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Rebecca Bevans, Jessica L. Burnett, Barbara A. Cosens, Ximing Cai, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Igor Linkov, Elizabeth A. Scott, Mark D. Solomon, and Daniel R. Uden
Management applications of discontinuity theory, David G. Angeler, Craig R. Allen, Chris Barichievy, Tarsha Eason, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Nicholas A.J. Graham, Dean Granholm, Lance H. Gunderson, Melinda Knutson, Kristy L. Nash, R. John Nelson, Magnus Nystrom, Trisha L. Spanbauer, Craig A. Stow, and Shana M. Sundstrom
Panarchy use in environmental science for risk and resilience planning, David G. Angeler, Craig R. Allen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Lance H. Gunderson, and Igor Linkov
Deathcore, creativity, and scientific thinking, David G. Angeler, Shana M. Sundstrom, and Craig R. Allen
Adaptive management for ecosystem services, Hannah E. Birgé, Craig R. Allen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, and Kevin L. Pope
Adaptive management for soil ecosystem services, Hannah E. Birge, Rebecca A. Bevans, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, Sara G. Baer, and Diana H. Wall Colorado State University
Transformative Environmental Governance, Brian C. Chaffin, Ahjond Garmestani, Lance Gunderson, Melinda Harm Benson, David G. Angeler, Craig Anthony (Tony) Arnold, Barbara Cosens, Robin Kundis Craig, J.B. B. Ruhl, and Craig R. Allen
Biological invasions, ecological resilience and adaptive governance, Brian C. Chaffin, Ahjond S. Garmestani, David G. Angeler, Dustin L. Herrmann, Craig A. Stow, Magnus Nystrom, Jan Sendzimir, Matthew E. Hopton, Jurek Kolasa, and Craig R. Allen
Factors influencing recruitment of walleye and white bass to three distinct early ontogenetic stages, Jason A. DeBoer and Kevin L. Pope
The influence of a severe reservoir drawdown on springtime zooplankton and larval fish assemblages in Red Willow Reservoir, Nebraska, Jason A. DeBoer, Christa M. Webber, Taylor A. Dixon, and Kevin L. Pope
Influence of anglers’ specializations on catch, harvest, and bycatch of targeted taxa, Kevin L. Pope, Christopher J. Chizinski, Christopher L. Wiley, and Dustin R. Martin
Fishing for ecosystem services, Kevin L. Pope, Mark A. Pegg, Nicholas W. Cole, Stephen F. Siddons, Alexis D. Fedele, Brian S. Harmon, Ryan L. Ruskamp, Dylan R. Turner, and Caleb C. Uerling
Landscape Context Influences Nest Survival in a Midwest Grassland, Victoria L. Simonsen and Joseph J. Fontaine
Body size distributions signal a regime shift in a lake ecosystem, Trisha L. Spanbauer, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, Tarsha Eason, Sherilyn C. Fritz, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Kirsty L. Nash, Jeffery R. Stone, Craig A. Stow, and Shana M. Sundstrom
Using standardized fishery data to inform rehabilitation efforts, Jonathan J. Spurgeon, Nathaniel T. Stewart, Mark A. Pegg, Kevin L. Pope, and Mark T. Porath
Genetic Correlates of Individual Differences in Sleep Behavior of Free-Living Great Tits (Parus major), Erica F. Stuber, Christine Baumgartner, Niels J. Dingemanse, Bart Kempenaers, and Jakob C. Mueller
Letter Resisting Resilience Theory: AResponse to Connelland Ghedini, Shana M. Sundstrom, Craig R. Allen, and Lance H. Gunderson
Potential population and assemblage influences of non-native trout on native nongame fish in Nebraska headwater streams, Kelly C. Turek, Mark A. Pegg, Kevin L. Pope, and Steve Schainost
Bats serves as Nebraska's natural pest control agents, Michael Whitby and Craig R. Allen