Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: Staff Publications
Using consumption rate to assess potential predators for biological control of white perch, Nathan J.C. Gosch and Kevin L. Pope
Mixed-source reintroductions lead to outbreeding depression in second-generation descendents of a native North American fish, David D. Huff, Loren M. Miller, Christopher J. Chizinski, and Bruce Vondracek
Impacts of Invasive Plants on Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) Roosting Habitat, Andrew C. Kessler, James W. Merchant, Craig R. Allen, and Steven D. Shultz
Luring anglers to enhance fisheries, D. R. Martin and Kevin L. Pope
Woody Invasions of Urban Trails and the Changing Face of Urban Forests in the Great Plains, USA, Kristine T. Nemec, Craig R. Allen, Aaron L. Alai, Gregory M. Clements, Andrew C. Kessler, Travis C. Kinsell, Annabel Major, and Bruce J. Stephen
Influence of Throat Configuration and Fish Density on Escapement of Channel Catfish from Hoop Nets, Mark T. Porath, Larry D. Pape, Lindsey K. Richters, Kevin L. Pope, and Mark A. Pegg
Multimodel inference and adaptive management, Sarah E. Rehme, Larkin A. Powell, and Craig R. Allen
Catch of Channel Catfish with Tandem-Set Hoop Nets and Gill Nets in Lentic Systems of Nebraska, Lindsey K. Richters and Kevin L. Pope
Avian Conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region, Northern Great Plains: Understanding the Links between Climate, Ecosystem Processes, Wetland Management, and Bird Communities, Susan K. Skagen, Joseph J. Fontaine, Ryan Stutzman, Valerie Steen, Cynthia P. Melcher, John Stamm, Gary Clow, Mark Anderson, Parker Norton, Neal Niemuth, Jonathan M. Friedman, Robert Gleason, Brian Tangen, Diane Granfors, and Lucy Burris
Novelty, Adaptive Capacity, and Resilience, Craig R. Allen and C. S. Holling
A modelling approach to evaluate potential management actions designed to increase growth of white perch in a high-density population, Christopher J. Chizinski, Kevin L. Pope, and G.R. Wilde
Implications of stunting on morphology of freshwater fishes, Christopher J. Chizinski, Kevin L. Pope, G.R. Wilde, and R.E. Strauss
The influence of partial timber harvesting in riparian buffers on macroinvertebrate and fish communities in small streams in Minnesota, USA, Christopher J. Chizinski, Bruce Vondracek, Charles R. Blinn, Raymond M. Newman, Dickson M. Atuke, Keith Fredricks, Nathaniel A. Hemstad, Eric Merten, and Nicholas Schlesser
The Index of Biological Integrity and the bootstrap: Can random sampling error affect stream impairment decisions?, Christine L. Dolph, Aleksey Y. Sheshukov, Christopher J. Chizinski, Bruce Vondracek, and Bruce N. Wilson
Red Imported Fire Ant Impacts on Upland Arthropods in Southern Mississippi, D. M. Epperson and C. R. Allen
The effect of predation on stunted and nonstunted white perch, Nathan J.C. Gosch, L. L. Pierce, and Kevin L. Pope
Food Habits of Stunted and Non-Stunted White Perch (Marone americana), Nathan J.C. Gosch, Jeffrey R. Stittle, and Kevin L. Pope
Understanding the Science of Climate Change Talking Points – Impacts to Alaska Boreal and Arctic, Caroline Jezierski, Rachel Loehman, and Amanda Schramm
Understanding the Science of Climate Change Talking Points – Impacts to Alaska Maritime and Transitional, Caroline Jezierski, Rachel Loehman, and Amanda Schramm
Risk assessment: Simultaneously prioritizing the control of invasive plant species and the conservation of rare plant species, Thaddeus K. Miller, Craig R. Allen, Wayne G. Landis, and James W. Merchant
Methods for Assessing Fish Populations, Kevin L. Pope, Steve E. Lochmann, and Michael K. Young
Methods for Assessing Fish Populations, Kevin L. Pope, Steve E. Lochmann, and Michael K. Young
Survival of Foul-Hooked Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides), Kevin L. Pope and Gene R. Wilde
Evaluating food availability and nest predation risk as sources of bias in aural bird surveys, Bruce A. Robertson, Richard L. Hutto, and Joseph J. Fontaine
The impact of rare taxa on a fish index of biotic integrity, Haibo Wan, Christopher J. Chizinski, Christine L. Dolph, Bruce Vondracek, and Bruce N. Wilson
Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems: Final Report, Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.2, Craig D. Allen; Charles Birkeland; F. Stuart Chapin, III; Peter M. Groffman; Glenn . R. Guntenspergen; Alan K. Knapp; A. David McGuire; Patrick J. Mulholland; Debra P.C. Peters; Daniel D. Roby; and George Sugihara
Tree Die-Off in Response to Global Change-Type Drought: Mortality Insights from a Decade of Plant Water Potential Measurements, David D. Breshears, Orrin B. Meyers, Clifton W. Meyer, Fairley J. Barnes, Chris B. Zou, Craig D. Allen, Nathan G. McDowell, and William Pockman
Exploring Predation and Animal Coloration through Outdoor Activity, Joseph J. Fontaine and Karie L. Decker
Spatial and temporal variation in climate change: a bird’s eye view, Joseph J. Fontaine, K. L. Decker, S. K. Skagen, and C. van Riper III
A Neotropical Migrant Bird’s Dilemma— Where to Stop for a Good Meal, Joseph J. Fontaine and Charles van Riper III
Panarchy: Discontinuities Reveal Similarities in the Dynamic System Structure of Ecological and Social Systems, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and Lance Gunderson
Stomach Capacities of Six Freshwater Fishes, Nathan J.C. Gosch, Kevin L. Pope, and Paul H. Michaletz
Invasions and Extinctions as a Consequence of Climate Change, Mace Hack, Rick Kearney, Chad Smith, Scott Taylor, and Craig R. Allen
Seasonal Patterns of Song Structure Variation in a Suboscine Passerine, Bruce A. Robertson, Joseph J. Fontaine, and Elizabeth Loomis
Variability in Population Abundance is Associated with Thresholds between Scaling Regimes, Donald Wardwell and Craig R. Allen
Development and Evaluation of a Bioenergetics Model for the Inland Silverside in Freshwater Systems, Christopher J. Chizinski, Caleb G. Huber, and Kevin L. Pope
Power laws, Discontinuities and Regional City Size Distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestan, Craig R. Allen, and Colin M. Gallagher
Panarchy, Adaptive Management and Governance: Policy Options for Building Resilience, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and Heriberto Cabezas
Power laws, discontinuities and regional city size distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and Colin M. Gallagher
Multi-Ideal-adic Completions of Noetherian Rings, William J. Heinzer, Christel Rotthaus, and Sylvia Wiegand
Flower power: tree flowering phenology as a settlement cue for migrating birds, Laura J. McGrath, Charles van Riper III, and Joseph J. Fontaine
The Role of Protected Areas as Bird Stop-over Habitat: Ecology and Habitat Utilization by Migrating Land Birds within Colorado River Riparian Forests of Southwestern North America, Charles van Riper III, Kristina L. Paxton, Carena J. van Riper, Kimberly A. van Riper, Laura McGrath, and J. J. Fontaine
A test of the cross-scale resilience model: Functional richness in Mediterranean-climate ecosystems, Donald A. Wardwell, Craig R. Allen, Garry D. Peterson, and Andrew J. Tyre
A Simple Model for Predicting Survival of Angler-Caught and Released Largemouth Bass, Gene R. Wilde and Kevin L. Pope
Lure-size Restrictions in Recreational Fisheries, Gene R. Wilde, Kevin L. Pope, and Bart W. Durham
Climate-Induced Forest Dieback as an Emergent Global Phenomenon, Craig Allen and David D. Breshears
Interactions Across Spatial Scales among Forest Dieback, Fire, and Erosion in Northern New Mexico Landscapes, Craig D. Allen
Breeding Biology of Passerines in a Subtropical Montane Forest in Northwestern Argentina, Sonya K. Auer, Ronald D. Bassar, Joseph J. Fontaine, and Thomas E. Martin
Intraspecific resource partitioning by an opportunistic strategist, inland silverside Menidia beryllina, Christopher J. Chizinski, C. G. Huber, M. Longoria, and Kevin L. Pope
Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation, Joseph J. Fontaine, Mireille Martel, Helen M. Markland, Alina M. Niklison, Karie L. Decker, and Thomas E. Martin
Schoolyard Microclimate, Joseph J. Fontaine, Samuel C. Stier, Melissa L. Maggio, and Karie L. Decker
Departures from Gibrat’s Law, Discontinuities and City Size Distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, Colin M. Gallagher, and John Mittelstaedt
EXTENSIONS OF LOCAL DOMAINS WITH TRIVIAL GENERIC FIBER, William Heinzer, Christel Rotthaus, and Sylvia Wiegand
Observer Bias in Anuran Call Surveys, Aaron Lotz and Craig R. Allen
Effect of catch-and-release angling on growth and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, K. L. Pope, G. R. Wilde, and D. W. Knabe
Evaluating Discontinuities in Complex Systems: Toward Quantitative Measures of Resilience, Craig Stow, Craig R. Allen, and Ahjond S. Garmestani
A test of the cross-scale resilience model: Functional richness in Mediterranean-climate ecosystems, Donald A. Wardwell, Craig R. Allen, Garry D. Peterson, and Andrew J. Tyre
Discontinuities in ecological data, Craig R. Allen
Predictors of introduction success in the South Florida avifauna, Craig R. Allen
Sprawl and the Resilience of Humans and Nature: an Introduction to the Special Feature, Craig R. Allen
Sprawl and the Resilience of Humans and Nature: an Introduction to the Special Feature, Craig R. Allen
When landscaping goes bad: the incipient invasion of Mahonia bealei in the southeastern United States, Craig R. Allen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Jill A. LaBram, Amanda E. Peck, and Luanna B. Prevost
Patterns in body mass distributions: sifting among alternative hypotheses, Craig R. Allen, A. S. Garmestani, T. D. Havlicek, P. A. Marquet, G. D. Peterson, C. Restrepo, C. A. Stow, and B. E. Weeks
A Framework for Spatial Risk Assessments: Potential Impacts of Nonindigenous Invasive Species on Native Species, Craig R. Allen; Alan R, Johnson; and Leslie Parris
Multimodel Inference and the Understanding of Complexity, Discontinuity, and Normadism, Craig R. Allen and Denis A. Saunders
Multiple hypotheses testing of fish incidence patterns in an urbanized ecosystem, Christopher J. Chizinski, C.L. Higgins, C.E. Shavlik, and Kevin L. Pope
Temperature-Caused Fish Kill in a Flowing Great Plains River, Bart W. Durham, Gene R. Wilde, and Kevin L. Pope
Habitat Selection Responses of Parents to Offspring Predation Risk: An Experimental Test, J. J. Fontaine and T. E. Martin
Parent birds assess nest predation risk and adjust their reproductive strategies, J. J. Fontaine and T. E. Martin
Firm size diversity, functional richness, and resilience, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, John D. Mittelstaedt, Craig A. Stow, and William A. Ward
Status of the Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) in Texas, Kevin L. Pope, David R. Blankinship, Mark Fisher, and Reynaldo Patiño
The Use of Discontinuities and Functional Groups to Assess Relative Resilience in Complex Systems, Craig R. Allen, L. Gunderson, and A. R. Johnson
Economic Value of Angling at a Reservoir with Low Visitation, Christopher J. Chinzinski, Kevin L. Pope, David B. Willis, Gene R. Wilde, and Edwin J. Rossman
Factors Affecting Regional Variation in Growth of Channel Catfish, Bart W. Durham, Kevin L. Pope, and Gene R. Wilde
The Impacts of Sprawl on Biodiversity: the Ant Fauna of the Lower Florida Keys, Elizabeth A. Forys and Craig R. Allen
Time-series Analysis of Clusters in City Size Distributions, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Craig R. Allen, and K. Michael Bessey
Maximum size of fish caught with standard gears and recreational angling, Kevin L. Pope, Gene R. Wilde, and Daryl L. Bauer
Red Imported Fire Ant Impacts on Wildlife: A Decade of Research, C. R. Allen, D. M. Epperson, and A. S. Garmestani
Red Imported Fire Ant Impacts on Wildlife: A Decade of Research, C. R. Allen, D. M. Epperson, and A. S. Garmestani
Effect of catch-and-release angling on growth of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, K. L. Pope and G. R. Wilde
Age-specific patterns in density-dependent growth of white crappie, Pomoxis annularis, K. L. Pope, G. R. Wilde, and B. W. Durham
Anglers’ Probabilities of Catching Record-Size Fish, Gene R. Wilde and Kevin L. Pope
Relationship between Lake-Record Weights of Fishes and Reservoir Area and Growing Season, Gene R. Wilde and Kevin L. Pope
Yellow Jackets May Be An Underestimated Component Of An Ant-Seed Mutualism, Megan T. Bale, Jennifer A. Zettler, Bradford A. Robinson, Timothy P. Spira, and Craig R. Allen
Importance of Food Ration and Water Temperature On Growth of Juvenile Green Sunfish (Lepomis Cyanellus), Christopher J. Chizinski and Kevin L. Pope
Landscape Change in the Southern Piedmont: Challenges, Solutions, and Uncertainty Across Scales, Michael J. Conroy, Craig R. Allen, James T. Peterson, Lowell Pritchard, and Clinton T. Moore
Estimation of Fishing Tournament Mortality and Its Sampling Variance, Gene R. Wilde, Kevin L. Pope, and Richard E. Strauss
Cross-scale Structure and Scale Breaks in Ecosystems and Other Complex Systems, Craig R. Allen and C. S. Holling
Cross-scale morphology, Craig R. Allen and C.S. Holling
Variability between Scales: Predictors of Nomadism in Birds of an Australian Mediterraneanclimate Ecosystem, Craig R. Allen and Denis A. Saunders
Functional Group Change within and across Scales following Invasions and Extinctions in the Everglades Ecosystem, Elizabeth A. Forys and Craig R. Allen
Influence of the proximity and amount of human development and roads on the occurrence of the red imported fire ant in the lower Florida Keys, Elizabeth A. Forys, Craig R. Allen, and Daniel P. Wojcik
Adaptive Inference for Distinguishing Credible from Incredible Patterns in Nature, C. S. Holling and Craig R. Allen
Assessing state-wide biodiversity in the Florida Gap analysis project, L. G. Pearlstine, S. E. Smith, L. A. Brandt, C. R. Allen, W. M. Kitchens, and J. Stenberg
Initial Mortality of Black Bass in B.A.S.S. Fishing Tournaments, Gene R. Wilde, Calub E. Shavlik, and Kevin L. Pope
Biodiversity of Fungi in Red Imported Fire Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Mounds, Jennifer A. Zettler, Thomas M. McInnis Jr., Craig R. Allen, and Timothy P. Spira
Ecosystems and Immune Systems: Hierarchical Response Provides Resilience against Invasions, Craig R. Allen