National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version



Honors in Practice, 2023, Vol. 19: 79–90


Copyright © 2023 NCHC


During the period of remote learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, honors programs were forced to innovate new digital possibilities for fulfilling the objectives of an honors education. Learning experiences offered during study abroad programs were among the most difficult to provide in a virtual format. The honors program at Eastern Michigan University has developed the Virtual International Experience (VIE) in response to this need. Even as the 2022–2023 academic year marked a transition back to traditional in-person classes, the VIE offers unique tools for learning skills of cultural analysis and cross-cultural communication, particularly as these occur in remote contexts, something that is becoming increasingly relevant. As three students who participated in the VIE and the professor who created it, the authors have taken this second shift in instructional format as an opportunity to consider the advantages of tools acquired during remote learning while also reaffirming the irreplaceable value of traditional study abroad programs.
