"The Pickup Truck Being A Scholarly Paper on the Efficiencies Effected " by Don Tucker

National Collegiate Honors Council


Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council Online Archive

Date of this Version

Fall 2002

Document Type



Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 3:2, Fall/Winter 2002. Copyright © 2002 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Sometime last spring, Dr. Bill bought a two-year-old pickup truck from one of his patients who is a used car dealer. Dr. Bill2 and I are hunting and fishing buddies, and the pickup seemed a good idea for towing a boat and such things. The pickup has an extended cab where my chocolate lab girl-dog can ride on our outings. I asked if the truck could be repaired with bailing wire and spit. He said one might also need a roll of duct tape since friction tape was hard to find these days. I said that I thought he’d made a good choice, as this high tech stuff makes me a bit uneasy.
