National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Spring 2004
Throughout higher education, hundreds of writing programs at two-year, four-year, and graduate degree-granting institutions offer special honors sections of composition courses, many in conjunction with their institutions’ own honors programs. The wide and varied body of scholarship, however, that comprises composition theory and pedagogy contains very little discussion of honors composition at the college level. At the elementary and secondary levels, journals dedicated to gifted education, such as Roeper Review and Gifted Child Quarterly, regularly feature articles focused on research and pedagogical practices in teaching writing to gifted children. The two-year college level has produced a few pieces that focus on honors courses, such as Jean B. Bridges’ “Honors Composition: A Possible Alternative in the Two-Year College.” Aside from sporadic articles, though, such as Kenneth Bruffee’s “Making the Senior Thesis Work,” published in 1993 in Forum for Honors, those who teach honors composition at four-year and graduate degree-granting schools have few resources from which to draw.
Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 5:1, Spring/Summer 2004. Copyright © 2004 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.