National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version

Spring 2001


Published in the Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 2:1, Spring/Summer 2001. Copyright © 2001 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.


Sam Schuman's essay urging us to promote excellence broadly and not just within our programs comes on the eve of Clemson's SACS reaccreditation site visit next year. His observations remind me that I need to get busy. Thanks a lot, Sam.

Like scores of others involved in the reaccreditation process, I will do my part by contributing to, but not chairing, the Honors Program's self-study. It will feature lots of golly-gee-whiz graphs and charts. I may toss in a colorful pie chart showing honors students from all over the country and many foreign countries, including Texas. The self-study will note strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures. There will be numerous recommendations for improvement. Above all, it will be an honest document summarizing how well the program has done over the past ten years. Assessment gurus will marvel at this Mother of All Self-Studies. If nothing else, they will be dazzled by my Power Point skills.
