National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council Vol. 12, No.1 (Spring/Summer 2011). ISSN 1559-0151
Dr. Freddye Turner Davy has been educating students for over fifty-eight years. She spent the first thirty-four of those years as a public school teacher in Arkansas, Washington, D.C., and Maryland. Along the way, she received degrees from Philander Smith College, the University of Maryland, and Vanderbilt University. After her career in public schools, she then spent seven years at Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina, and served as a visiting lecturer at the University of Nigeria before becoming Director of the Hampton University Honors College in 1994, a position in which she continues to this day. At Hampton, she has developed the honors curriculum, initiated honors seminars, and developed the various rituals for induction and graduation. Her influence has been significant well beyond her campus positions. She is the founder and executive director of the National W. E. B. Du Bois Honor Society, and she has held elected positions in the National Association of African American Honors Programs, the Virginia Collegiate Honors Council, the Southern Regional Honors Council, and the National Collegiate Honors Council. The many of us who have benefited from her wisdom and from the clarity of her words and ideas can appreciate the scope of her influence. I remember many a meeting where loud voices prevailed in heated discussion until Dr. Davy, after patiently hearing all sides, delivered a brief, eloquent, unifying, and unequivocal statement that showed us all exactly what we should have been thinking and saying. Because the NCHC has been on many occasions the beneficiary of her exceptional intellect and spirit, we proudly and gratefully dedicate this issue of JNCHC to Dr. Freddye Turner Davy.
Copyright © 2011 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.