National Collegiate Honors Council

Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council Online Archive
Date of this Version
Spring 2007
Document Type
In thinking about Larry Andrews’ two recent offerings in JNCHC, his Forum piece featured in this issue and his “At Play on the Fields of Honor(s)” in the last issue, I am struck by a central motif connecting these essays. That motif is not particularly surprising as I reflect on my years of knowing Larry and working with him on the Publications Board. He is smart, witty, hardworking, and humane. His sense of language is sharp and graceful. That he runs the first-rate Honors College at Kent State University is well known throughout the honors universe. In many respects he himself embodies the balance and perspective that he advocates for honors administrators, their programs, and their students. When he advises us or reminds us in “At Play” not to neglect the fun and the joy in our working lives and to insure that students recognize as well the importance of intellectual and creative play in the academy and beyond, he is offering wisdom to value and to practice. Therein lies the rub. Saying one wants to be balanced and keep the travails of job and pleasures of life in balance is easy; achieving this balance is hard to do and even harder to sustain.
Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 8:1, Spring/Summer 2007. Copyright © 2007 by the National Collegiate Honors Council.