National Collegiate Honors Council

Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council Online Archive
Date of this Version
Document Type
Published in Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 10:2, Fall/Winter 2009
Honors in the Electronic Age George Mariz 17
Postmodern Prometheans: Academic Libraries, Information Technologies, and the Cut-and-Paste Aesthetic Emily Walshe 23
Immigrant Song: A Cautionary Note about Technology and Honors Richard Badenhausen 29
Digital Deliberations Stephen A. Yoder 35
It’s the Pedagogy, Stupid Richard Ira Scott and Donna Bowman 41
Building a Better Honors Learning Community through Technology Melissa L. Johnson 45
Action, Connection, Communication: The Honors Classroom in the Digital Age Frances A. Kelleher and Susan Swartzlander 49
Implementing Wikis in Honors Courses Philip L. Frana 53
Using Flickr to Connect a Multi-Campus Honors Community Laura A. Guertin and Courtney L. Young 57
Clickin’ in the Honors Classroom: Using Audience Response Systems to Facilitate Discussion and Decision-Making Deborah Gentry 61
Making Connections: Technology and Interaction in an Honors Classroom John J. Doherty and Kevin Ketchner 65
IM Riff on the IT Overload Debra K. Holman 69
Copyright 2009 by the National Collegiate Honors Council