National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Spring 2019
Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council 20:1 (Spring/Summer 2019), pp. 19-24.
The Monroe College Honors Program, located in New York, enjoys an extremely diverse student body, which can be attributed to its location within and proximity to New York City. Data about the Monroe College Honors Program are presented. More importantly, this essay presents the strategies that the honors program uses to meet the needs of a diverse student body. Our students face many challenges, including difficult family situations and economic hardship, and so the honors program has created a rigorous but flexible curriculum and co-curriculum to meet their needs. The approaches used to serve this population focus on getting to know students, implementing an adequate budget, and creating flexible curricular/co-curricular options. The essay also addresses student-centered tactics that increase the visibility of the honors program on campus.
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