National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 2022, 23(1): 127–29
As part of the National Collegiate Honors Council’s (2022) collection of essays about the value of honors to its graduates (1967–2019), the author reflects on the personal and professional impacts of the honors experience.
The value of an honors education goes far beyond a specific honors course or project as students gain valuable skills that impact both their personal and professional life. In the almost three years since graduating university, I still find that my honors education has impacted my outlook on life and how I approach various situations in my day-to-day life. After graduation, I decided to pursue a career as a civil servant instead of pursuing a traditional public relations career. While I enjoyed communications work, I knew from my honors education that I wanted to partake in work that made a positive impact on the community.
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