National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version



Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council (fall/winter 2023) 24(2): 67–94


Copyright 2023, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission


Despite advancements in global communication and interpersonal networks, in-person discussions and scholarly discourses often falter in the classroom—stifling innovation and preventing opportunities to foster deeper human connection. This study explores the remedy of facilitation: the art and science of enabling a group to unleash its creativity, address conflict, and unlock collective wisdom. Authors present a variety of facilitation techniques used in teaching honors students (n = 13) and closely examine how students articulate their personal learning outcomes after practicing effective facilitations. Liberating structures, which engage everyone in problem-solving, practicing self-discovery, and envisioning potential solutions, are used. Reflective assessments indicate student growth and skill development, including flexibility, adaptability, and communicative agility. With honors programs and colleges as loci for multidisciplinary learning and holistic leadership development, authors encourage practitioners to take active roles in fostering the next generation of facilitators. Ideas for future curricular adaptations are presented.
